Sweet Seeds Al's next SWEET TLO grow

well there is a dual issue there imho.Ive used a lot of mixtures with that Mellow mix bro.Ive had a lot of seeds come up burn just like this round of seedlings.What Ive come to suspect is its too hot to use even at a 50% cut.I have found(strain regardless)a 60-65% cut with a seedling mix such as Jiffy's or similar.I used black gold this round as well as jiyys and a coco for seedlings too.And some strains can handle it but almost always has an either burnt egde and/or splotches as well.often grows out of it but is somewhat shocked and may stay stunted throughout too. but at a 60% cut or so that I used my two SD's have exactly what you describe right now too.and im fairly certain thats why.:Sharing One: and bleeding of the hotter soil if your plug or whatever is too small.i used a regular 30 ounce cup mostly covered for the size of the plkug I use as a rule for a #5 pot.or atleast just big enough to have enough room for your fist a cpl inches down seems to work well too.Hope that helps ya bro.I had no idea ya had some going.prolly just forgot..whatelse is new though right?!LOL!be good bro!"AFN smoke out"
Yeah man,Ive had many sprouts that are either sensitive or just too hot a mix is all.Im assuming your look awfully similar to these I guess?cut it a little more. then as you'll see in the one or maybe two of the pics they even out a lot better and not really any strains get too bother by it at that point bro.Ive used em for Photos and Autos planting directly into with zero issues.on the sensetive one ill get a spot of two but they grow out of that pretty quick more often than not.hope that helps ya out.Ive not used epsoma brand seedling mix,but Ive heard good things for the most part.:Sharing One: hope this helps ya some bro.


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Yup the AKR looks just like the first few pics. The leaves have grown but the tips are fried. I'll try cutting the mix next round with some Black Gold or something similar.
yeah man,if you got a 50-50 right now Id go another 15% more up to a 60-65% cutting of the original mellow mix.:Sharing One:heres to ya bro!!Thanks for sticking out with me bro.you shall see very soon.once them seedlings take its frigin game on bro LOL!:devil::Hookah::pass:
Hey Al

Way to go, even looks like a little color already? Probably just a sprout thing.

Keepn' posted

they look great man!!Good job bro!! were they under lights at all when ya took the pics?
they look excellent my friend and thanks again for sticking it in there man.I know it took patience and bigger picture in mind the whole time too.i think you'll be happy with it too imo man!!
they look great man!!Good job bro!! were they under lights at all when ya took the pics?
they look excellent my friend and thanks again for sticking it in there man.I know it took patience and bigger picture in mind the whole time too.i think you'll be happy with it too imo man!!
I pulled me out of the tent and snapped a pic under normal lighting. In glad I stuck it out and can't wait to see what they do when they hit flowering.