The girls are putting in work below the soil right now. The DD looks great and the CC is not far behind. These Sweet Seeds are a real pleasure to grow.
White it was growing it smelled really fruity. Very very berry. Now that it's in the jar when you break it open it smells almost like fruit mixed with stink bug. It's really strange yet enticing. I imagine after a little bit the smell will settle and end up somewhere magical.I second that the DD was my first sweet i had the pleasure of growing. Sweet seeds has a promotion right now on attitude where you get a free seed its a Fast version Photoperiod Fem cant remember strain though lol.
Looking good though. Hows yours DD smelling now your last one?
it smells almost like fruit mixed with stink bug.
Idk about you, but I've dealt with A LOT of stink bugs in my day. I actually used to clean a house where in the summer time the entire back of the house got COVERED in stink bugs. and im not even exaggerating when i say COVERED. It could just be a mz w exclusive, but i've vacuumed these things up, live, and I dont think they stink lol. i think they have a bit of a perfume smell.
Just had to get my thoughts in haha
I was just about to PM you! What would be the 1st thing you'd feed them and when would you do it? I wanna dial this grow in from the very beginning.there it is !!!"AFN smoke out" A new grow!!Awesome!!:Sharing One:
When I'm filling my pots about halfway through I put a cup in and fill around it. Then I remove the cup (a pint glass) and fill it with seedling mix.directly in the soil or your seedling mix..? f its seedling mix use your Big Bloom or brew a foliar feed tea strength as a starter feed. big bloom at the first set of leaves to push it through till the soil takes it if its soil and dont frazzle out a little id leave it be for now man. a cpl drops of cal mag possibly but i dont grow with led's wuite yet.but ive given plants as a starter feed five drops of cal mag as well as the big bloom as a start off for them n they like it soooo.:Sharing One:
1 TBspoon or 1.5 TBspoons.Heavier for seedling mixes of no more than 2-2.5 Tbspoons imo.
Foliar feed strength tea should be applied directly or a 2/3 tea to the rest water diluting for feed.