Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Yes the 4x8 on the left has the autos. The two plants in the very back are the Auto gorilla. I'm really excited to see how they flower out they're stacking nicely.

Here's a shot of the SCROG with the lights on and a shot of my Nightmare Kush strain that has started to get purple leaves this is really exciting.

Day 40 of flower for this tent

Thanks brother I've been backing off of feed strength and it looks like the plants are loving it.

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Ok guys, I have been ordered back to the hospital tomorrow, waiting for the phone call to head in docs are getting orders setup so I will be a direct admit to the neurology center here. Have no clue when I'm coming home looks like at least a week away so I had my brother come and help me do everything I could think of to lessen the load for him and he can just water and chop. The last Satori X Skywalker was a male, so it was chopped down. I also defoliated the photoperiod plants today. I transplanted the (3) Dark Plasma Clones and the Jawa Pie seedling and the new sunflower. All of the transplants got fish emulsion, coconut powder, and aloe powder. I saw no need for nutes and have found this combo to do well for transplant and all but eliminate transplant shock. The promix has the Myko in it so no need to add more. The rest of the girls all got plain water saw no need for nutrients and I think over feeding was a cause of some of the issues I had with the plants finishing up now as well as the lights being too close. So we shall see what happens. The transplants all went into the veg tent under the 6500K's and this let me spread out the (4) remaining photoperiod plants on the right side of the big tent. Enough babbling here's some pics, not sure when I'll be checking back in but the planned harvest should be ok. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for checking in
