Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Update for today I'm exhausted not going to type much let the pics do the talking

Dropped some more beans into water tonight.

(4) Auto's:
- (1) Skywalker @mephisto
- (3) Triangle @mephisto

And (2) seeds of a strain called Fookies gifted to me a while ago by a fellow grower.

More fun coming :smoking:
The clones I'm rooting direct into the soil, and my Doiggie Dreams [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] seedling that was recently up potted to a [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]:

Grow is on cruise control. No pics tonight, just a nice and easy night off (almost) lol. I have a pack of beans here I purchased and have been wanting to grow for quite some time since getting it. I am trying my best to just work through stuff that has been gifted to me, but there's a lot of quality stuff in my seed stash too. Anyhow tonight I dropped (5) regular seeds of Ocean Grown's "Dark Plasma" into a cup of water to begin the germination process. Hoping for 2-3 girls (I know wishful thinking lol) to be able to run through in the 4x8. I am also going to start soaking some organic blue corn seeds tomorrow to sprout them for a seed sprout tea for the girls.

That's all for tonight, thanks for checking in