Sweet Seeds all aboard the Kudo Sweet train

How's your girl doing bro?
How's your girl doing bro?
not bad Mr Kip :pass: im Harvest her tomorrow,she got some nice hard buds :thumbs:,i need to do a clean up as iv seen bugs not bad so im smoking me room out, for i put me other sweet girls in there brv,i do a quick up day of me girl in a mo so u see her :thumbs: Peace Kudo.jpg
Ok :Sharing One:just a quick up date on me sweet trainwreck Harvest,look forward to shearing some sweet smoke report 2014-05-04 20.13.05.jpg2014-05-04 20.12.29.jpg2014-05-04 20.10.37.jpg2014-05-04 20.11.06.jpg2014-05-04 20.11.31.jpgsome more new sweet meds for my candy jar:pass:and some more new update on me other sweet girls in the week so till then Peace Kudo.jpg
As far as Trainwrecks go...That is a complete derailment!!!! Gorgeous! (smacking lips)
Dam KUDO!!! Looks wicked brotha!! Very nice structure, colors and tric production! Lovely looking lady!!!
KUDO, that's some sweet treats brother! :grat:
cant wait for the report. im getting the pine smell also, got about 30 more days or so for mine to finish its been nice sharing a ride on the sweet train with you!:Sharing One:
thank u.jpg and more sweet ride to come :pass:"Bailers Booya"Peace Kudo.jpg
Another great grow kudo