Indoor Alien vs Triangle vs Fast and Vast Vs ME!!

Today its first feeding day, full 4 weeks in bought soil without feeding. Only question is what strenght of nuts I git really hard water with high ppm and high ph.. My tap ph is 8.6 if I left her over night its 9.6.. And ph oerfect technoligy needs at least 50% of solution to be effective..
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:toke: Cov'-- I don't see any significant signs of light stress, but I'm betting they're close to it with all that lighting in there,...are the COB's dimmable? As long as you can keep at least 18" from the tops, it'll probably be OK,.. most of the stretch is done by now most likely,... Temps are OK, but what's the RH%? That's as important as anything, and is often a co-factor with light/heat and breeze strength stresses,... Any combination of low RH, high T, and overly strong air movement can start such issues,... Again, I don't see anything noteworthy here so far,...:thumbsup:
..Nutes! AN you say..? With that water, the AN will struggle to buffer it,.. have you mixed a small test batch to see how it responds? You might be forced to use some RO or distilled water to blend in and reduce that brutal ppm and pH,... Have you been watering with straight tap so far as well? If so, my concern is if the cumulative input of so much hardness (minerals) into the soil is driving the pH up little by little, and if the pH is now on the edge of being out of range,... that last plant in pics shows pale uppers, which could be from simple lack of foods or early lockout symptoms,... do you have means to test the soil directly for pH, like a pH probe? I'm not sure what you can get over there, but the Accurate 8 soil pH probe (Control Wizard Products) is a great choice,... the run-off method for pH estimation is lousy in general, but we have a modified protocol here, in the sticky article section at the Infirmary that helps deal with some of the issues,...
I'm So glad that you stopepd by.. I had clawing and I wasn't feeding them so I blamed claw on the light stress, I had heat stress also, real heat stress (curving side of the leafs(I hope I wrote It good)) because my temps were 30c..I keep my led 25inch above canopy, maybe 1-2 inch less (22-23 inch), i keep tent in my room and If I dont open window my temkp raises at 29.30c. My other problem is weather swings in my country, it can change by 15 digress in 8hours so I'm constant battling with setting the environment to be optimal. My cobs are not dimmable. I had in my last grow 185w cobs plus blurple it was all good, when i put all three inside temp raises,I never had so much problem with my 400w cooltube hps.. If I dont turn on humidifier rh is aroun30-38%, but I had It on last two weeks and its 45-55% rh..My hard water really f***s up my humidifier,there is limestone all over It and it can stop working from time to time...

Yes I had always problems with inaccurate ph pens and I would somewhere in the road f up ph and hellou problems, so I decided to go ph perfect!
I had to put at least 50% of feeding for ph to be in 7.3 zone, I cant remmeber correct now I measure it 2 grows ago, and It was all good until I added hesi ph minus.. Because of that and fact if i don't mess with any other ph lowering products AN somehow do the job..Even in 30% strenght. My ph pen is again f up (I got storage solution and all, but it went craizy),when I water them, I lower ph with lime acid in granules/powder, and I know that 4gr on my 11l is 6.2-6.5 range..My schedule is water,fed.coz I have to water them every 3 days.. I let my tap water in buckets with air stones for at lest few hours, or sometimes 24h.. Those pictures are taken with non fed girls they only had voodoo juice 1x, and carboload till then.. Excuse me If I'm writing little strange, I had to light one up.. :) Soil is 6.0 ph ,at least they claim it on the bag..

They still looked little pale to me and I fed them again tonigh,onl that one In the middle in preflower had water,rhino skin and voodoo juice..
other got 50% of A,B b52 ,big bud, calmag and rhino skin,all following AN feeding chart,except rhino shin,they dont have it on schedule but i read great things about silica so I gave them tonight for the first time 50% of strenght..

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I got One little problem, girls should have to get water tommorow, but they responded so good to feeding (although they supposed to get water) that I'm in dilemma now, should I water or feed them again??

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Water, feed, water, feed... not feed feed feed. ..less is more.

What about tangs feeding schedule? he feeds every time..Its not all written in stone, I was trying to read my plants, look at them, what are they telling me, and not following feeding schemes like blind man..
I will give them only carboload and water.. I have few funny lookin def. leafs, I will take pic of them tonight..
First feeding was 30% of strength, then I gave them 50%, I will not push them, today is water, next time i will try to bump it to 2/3 of full dose... I'm scared that i will have cal-mag issues again..I just dont know how to dose it and how frequent to give them cal mag? every watering , on only every feeding..