Indoor Alien vs Triangle vs Fast and Vast Vs ME!!

I will try tonight, but my redmi2 is pretty shitty on night ,or with artificial light, so I dont know will it be shown..
What about tangs feeding schedule? he feeds every time..Its not all written in stone, I was trying to read my plants, look at them, what are they telling me, and not following feeding schemes like blind man..
I will give them only carboload and water.. I have few funny lookin def. leafs, I will take pic of them tonight..
I basically follow Tangs schedule but I only go up to 1/4 strength on my base nutrients and 1/4 to 1/2 on my other additives....I usually give them a water only day every few weeks, but I also have about 10-20% run off every time I feed. I recently just added Recharge to my lineup, so I'll probably straight water then recharge once a week or so.

Your girls are looking good though! Im just getting ready to pop an AvT seed tonight from Mephisto.

@Dudeski :welcome: :worship::worship:
I will continue my water,feed,water,feed schedule at 50% for now,so they will get rhino skin only with rest of nutes,So I think It should be ok..
With water I will give them carboload every time but not when I'm giving them nutes.. hope you understand what I'm saying.. :biggrin::biggrin:

Can you guess the strain?? :vibe: IMG_20170310_235149.jpg IMG_20170310_235158.jpg IMG_20170310_235218.jpg IMG_20170310_235224.jpg IMG_20170311_000007.jpg IMG_20170311_000012.jpg IMG_20170311_000134.jpg IMG_20170311_000140.jpg IMG_20170311_000727.jpg IMG_20170311_000733.jpg IMG_20170311_001001.jpg IMG_20170311_001003.jpg :cools::confused1::confused1:
The strain is beautiful!
thank you @Dudeski but I meant for real, I mixed beans So I dont know what is what.. fast and vast? I thik are those little bushy girls,tallest is alin vs sodk or triangle?? I had,fast and vast,alien vs triangle,but they werent all sprouted, so I put alien vs sodk too.Now I dont know what is what and What I got!