Hi mate lovely looking set up you got there! I love your lights. I also have diy stylee set up and loving what they're doing so far. You have way more power than me in there so I reckon you will grow some beasts!

as for your moment of being a massive stoner and not writing down which bean was which? Lol! You f*ckin stoner man! :pass:

I reckon the one back left in the lost pics is A v T. Just has that mephisto alien look about it. Maybe! lol:welcome:
I noticed some claws on new growth, I guess it was due to low air circulation,so I put one vent inside and risen up my outtake,and they look better... Temp on canopy is 29c.. Yes I was like naah I will remmeber what is where.. Wrong!! Don't ask me why , but I got feeling that none of fast and vast survived ,so I'm guessing They are all Mephisto.. We will see. Thank's for watching..
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@Waira I need your help.. 21day old girls, only gave them water and 30% voodoo juice..
They are all kind a droopy but only one has claws?' Temp was 30c, I manage to low it down to 28c, hum is around 35%..
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Hey CF subbed to see how this goes. I think they may be struggling with the light intensity, that can cause clawing and droopiness, prevents them from growing upwards, u got a lot of LED in there.

I'd try raising the light till they start praying.
I know it looks like N but they are in pre fert soil and I gave them only voodoo juice from AN..Lights are 50cm from cannopy..Yesterday I threw in Big vent inside to blow above cannopy,they cheered up a little, I will try to raise light at 60cm..
Still battling with heat stress it seems like I had much less trouble with 400w hps in cooltube than with this setup....
lights are now 60cm above canopy..

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Do you have a fan to pull the air out? What's the temp in the room outside the tent? If the room temp is high you'll be fighting temps all the time
Dude prima klima 125 with thermometer speed controler, its I don't know the temp in the room, but its around 22c max!!I keep my window open to!! i never had heat issues with led, but again I never had all three lights inside... Outside its 6c , so in my non heated room It can be max 22-23c.. i can feel sucti0on in when I put my hand in front intake...