Ak47auto x (lowryder2 x orangebud) f3 test grow

I don't do indoor so pretty ignorant about lights, from what I see maybe just maturation, you can see the one one the right is beginning to yellow
I don't do indoor so pretty ignorant about lights, from what I see maybe just maturation, you can see the one one the right is beginning to yellow
That would be faster then the generations before i know.it starts around day 50 -60
cu tobe
Hi joe
At first i cross a photo orangebud with lowryder2, in the f2 generation of the cross i select the best male who has the auto gen and pollinate a ak47auto.
Then i select over 2 generation the best plants with the aroma and high iam hunting for. The pics in the post are the test plant of the f3 genetation. The next step is to go to f4.
cu tobe
Hey joe sounds intersting i also have two other strains i breed. I got a lowryder2 selection at f3 its a small pheno i select and a (whitewidow auto x (lowryder2 x orangebud) at f2. The Ak strain is the one i have my focus on because its the best i found for my wife she need them for her depression and that is the best medecine for her.

I will use this thread for my project and if work on the other strain i will post a new thread.

Thanks for your interest we stay in contact.

cu tobe
the very best motivation, meds for loved ones
Medical use of the strain.
My wife got a strong depression. She told me if she smoke she need a strain to clear her head and help her to sleep so we startet to test different strains. We diceded to breed our own to have the best in one strain.
A good friend of mine use this strain to fight against the heroin and methadon and i can say he is now clean for one year.
A other friend was a soldier and has problems to forget the war He told me he has test different strains and that one helps.

I got some more friends with different problems and i try to help them with some good meds.

cu tobe
right on medman