AFN Myth Busters 2017

plants receiving traits or characteristics from one another via gererations of side by side plotting... example the ever so mythical and illusive , delicious, sought out ... never to be seen again... "strawberryfields" strain... aka the godfather strawberry strain or legendary one... THE one heheh

who's got 20-40 years for this?
That came from a lack of understanding of genetics. And it ain't a strain if you can't show me a!

plants receiving traits or characteristics from one another via gererations of side by side plotting... example the ever so mythical and illusive , delicious, sought out ... never to be seen again... "strawberryfields" strain... aka the godfather strawberry strain or legendary one... THE one heheh

who's got 20-40 years for this?
That came from a lack of understanding of genetics. And it ain't a strain if you can't show me a!
I guess this takes us into a whole new scientific discussion of neuro biology and such...
I'm not equipped for that just yet lmao.. but,
there has been reports from farmers with sagebrush... early in the spring they snip leaves on one plant to simulate a insect attack(cant believe I left this part out lmao) the plant then secretes a natural anti bug thing I forget the name and the neighbouring plants untouched do the same... how is this? the sage brushes also are way more bug resistant later in the season they say too.
I believe there is enough of a "something" for this to be looked into but i'd guess it'd require a fleet of lab coats..
and there are plenty of pictures of strawberry cough and such... which are derived from strawberry fields ..
but there is a part of me that says BS good sales pitch or w/e... but then again ... mother nature is a miraculous thing.
but there's always those snake oil guys lmao..
I dunno, this intrigues me... anybody else??
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24-48 hours dark period is Bullshit. most who harvest outdoors with fruits or anything really will tell you to take it early.meaning in the mroning before the sun is really up. Morning harvest..?why? well its kind os like the dark period if you will. that 4-6 hour rest period essentially rejuvenates the plant and gains all that THC that it has lost from using all the energy to produce that THC and similar morning or after a small rest in the dark your plant IS a little more potent that taking it in the later evening after a full day in the sun. I have personaly tried this several times and personally find morning harvests or resting for (i typically say 12hrs) a full rest in your dark period or 6 hours typically works.but again,to each their own. I wanna get high,not smoke a stink weed LMFAO!
Does not mythbusting required (something) to be disproved not just declared to be so? For instance I have read on here "our plants" need dark, yet only some do and cannabis isn't one. Cannabis is C3 and will photosynthesize using co2 as long as there is light. There are many studies out there that have proven this as fact.:doc1:
hmmm thats a new one to me. I would think a plant making seed would need more nutrition. I've never grown seed plants in anything but organic soil so I don't have a real answer. I'll do some digging and see if I can find some information regarding this.

Hi @pop22
i heard if you feed to much till the seeds developed in the buds they will take longer to germ and the shell will be harder. I didn't do a test myself but i hope to find the answer from the afn myth blusters.
cu tobe
Plants are alot more amazing than many realize. Yes, its proven than plants communicate with each other and send warnings of insect attacks. They can warn each other of attack vectors in the soil also. The roots of plants have sensors at the tips that tell it about nutrients, good and bad bacteria, where other plants are located! They can release a chemical signal to call helpful bacteria etc to their aid when needed! Their is some good information on this in Rob Spear's book:
Marijuana Cultivation Reconsidered.

I guess this takes us into a whole new scientific discussion of neuro biology and such...
I'm not equipped for that just yet lmao.. but,
there has been reports from farmers with sagebrush... early in the spring they snip leaves on one plant to simulate a insect attack(cant believe I left this part out lmao) the plant then secretes a natural anti bug thing I forget the name and the neighbouring plants untouched do the same... how is this? the sage brushes also are way more bug resistant later in the season they say too.
I believe there is enough of a "something" for this to be looked into but i'd guess it'd require a fleet of lab coats..
and there are plenty of pictures of strawberry cough and such... which are derived from strawberry fields ..
but there is a part of me that says BS good sales pitch or w/e... but then again ... mother nature is a miraculous thing.
but there's always those snake oil guys lmao..
I dunno, this intrigues me... anybody else??
Though not conclusive, it seems that though plants do not need a dark period, recent studies seem to point to better production with a brief " night period" I believe the study used 2-4 hours. More research is needed but this is pointing in that direction.
Mythbusting here consists of doing a serious hunt for scientific information. I rarely accept anecdotal "evidence" unless data has been very well collected and documented. Most myths are exactly that, myths are always based on assumptions, and we all know about what to "assume" means........

Does not mythbusting required (something) to be disproved not just declared to be so? For instance I have read on here "our plants" need dark, yet only some do and cannabis isn't one. Cannabis is C3 and will photosynthesize using co2 as long as there is light. There are many studies out there that have proven this as fact.:doc1: