State of AFN (2020)

Welcome. This site and one other are the only two boards I've seen that were consistently very civil. The rest had far far too many bull-sheet flaming wars etc and that will eventually play a lofty role of sucking some of the life out of you.
We have differing opinions here about most everything except ONE we all agree to disagree peacefully and with respect. No flaming or trolling allowed. It is hard work to keep the vibe in the zone and it is every member's job to do their part. I have to say WE all do a great job.

Bravo :worship::toke::bow::smokeout::cooldance::yay:

I’m very new here as in haven’t even started my first grow yet but by just screening through this forum the last couple months you can really feel the closeness and the good vibe this place gives off. Keep it up and even though the goal has been met keep donating.
Welcome. Read and learn. I lurked here for 1.5 years before I started my grow. Yes, I am a SLOW GROW learner. :crying:
We have differing opinions here about most everything except ONE we all agree to disagree peacefully and with respect. No flaming or trolling allowed. It is hard work to keep the vibe in the zone and it is every member's job to do their part. I have to say WE all do a great job.

Bravo :worship::toke::bow::smokeout::cooldance::yay:

Well stated my Green friend. :woohoo1:
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To put it bluntly, AFN has grown beyond the size of a hobby forum and requires decent hardware, hosting, and security to keep the site going.

I'm not sure how many of you know this, but we don't have any actual employees on the forum; everything about the site has been volunteer ran since day 1 (9+ years ago.) Everyone has donated their time, energy, efforts, and spirit to trying to make what we have here today.

This wasn't really ever setup to be a business; we've never spent a dime (not one penny, ever) on advertising for the forum, it's 100% organically grown and it's through offering forum space to companies and vendors that we've afforded to keep the site going, afloat, to try out new things, and ultimately stay going this long.

We seemed to have hit some snags the past year+, ran into some obstacles we weren't prepared for, and honestly made a few decisions we thought were going to be for the best, but turned out to not be the right thing to do. But we're trying to listen and trying to get back to what everyone loved and enjoyed, and it sounds like that's just keeping this simple (and we're super cool with that.)

We want to take the emphasis off "trying to make this a business" and instead focusing on "make this community driven, community inspired, community ran" means that we're not in the pocket of these people sending us stuff or testing stuff with us (not that we EVER were (not once, not ever, not in the history of this site) but needing to the keep the lights on is a real struggle sometimes.) AFN is home to a lot of people. We had considered even closing the doors once before, but we had so many people tell us "no, that's not the right thing to do." Honestly, the support recently to keep this going has been relentless. And that's pretty awesome. We have some really great, amazing people here, both staff and non-staff, that know that we are just hitting some speed bumps on our way through this obstacle course and finding our way through it all.

To feasibly pay the server hosting, license renewals, backup storage, etc, $2000 is about a close average of an annual operating cost. That doesn't include service work, "what if's," etc. No incidentals. And will just go up as the needs of the site increase. I would like to get us a specialist to look at optimizing our server and forum setup as well, we can talk about the laggy pink elephant in the room, and if we can figure that out, then we'll do it.

We've setup a GoFundMe (which gave us the greenlight when we asked them if we could do this as a canna forum,) if anyone would like to donate towards this cause.

At present, this would keep the site going annually, 100% community sponsored, not vendor sponsored.

We want to be transparent with what comes in and goes out too. That way there's no accusations or "is this really going for what it's meant for." Then this is what is, this is what we brought in, this is what went out, no one is bullshitting anyone here.

Before anyone starts raising the flags and banging the war drums, AFN is -NOT- in any way at risk of shutting down or closing our doors. Instead, we're trying to get back to why this forum was created. For learning, for sharing, to have a just chill place for people to grow at. Putting the science to the anecdotes. Having a place we can always call home because you know it's consistently this "good vibe of the tribe" kind of place.

We appreciate any consideration and everyone that helps make this community what it is. There's not much of a forum without the community members and that's what has always made us shine, our strength in diversity!

Thanks for listening!

Thanks for everything staff does and everyone that keeps this place going by volunteering. Much love from Michigan, USA! Who's the awesome grower who started this site. This site and growdiaries are the only 2 sites I use. But afn is my favorite of the 2. Love the ole school forum style
Thanks for everything staff does and everyone that keeps this place going by volunteering. Much love from Michigan, USA! Who's the awesome grower who started this site. This site and growdiaries are the only 2 sites I use. But afn is my favorite of the 2. Love the ole school forum style
Well said bud I tell people all the time to check it out it's such a great place and community to be a part of and I love it wish I could help out more hopefully I will be able to soon I want to give back to the place and people that gave me so much and it's made me really start looking into my own business bc the atmosphere and stuff here is wat I want to bring to the business side and go back to grassroots ya no.