#AFN Indoor Grow Battle

I'm having a tough time picking the keeper. My gut feeling at seed was the Black Cream
because I know she will be one pretty plant in the end..

But for competition purposes.. My Skystomper has been showing off since sprout!


Day 35ish Both planted on 5-1.. Both above ground 5-4.. Skystomper is in a 3 gal root trapper and the Black Cream is in a 2 gal root trapper. Both no feed organic living soil from seed.

They coming along, Kings Kush the most advanced but mayby not my pick as Wild Thai Ryder is a very pretty lady indeed!

Looking good everybody.... I'm still comin after ya...
i dunno, i think my mix is kinda hot.... Bwaha kidding.. Ill get some pics of the comp plant, she's twice this size!!! Fear me!!!
Hey mang, i'll go ahead and say it.. " it looks like the stem, threw up"... Bwahahaha
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated but I had a family emergency and had to travel out of state, my mom had a stroke last week so I'm going to be away for another week or two. Unfortunately I have to bow out of the comp as I had to leave my plants unattended and I'm sure by now they're wilting away. Good luck to everyone else. I'll be back to give it another shot after I return.
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated but I had a family emergency and had to travel out of state, my mom had a stroke last week so I'm going to be away for another week or two. Unfortunately I have to bow out of the comp as I had to leave my plants unattended and I'm sure by now they're wilting away. Good luck to everyone else. I'll be back to give it another shot after I return.
Sorry to hear that mate, I hope your Mum's ok
