#AFN Indoor Grow Battle

Here's my taison purple kush auto ,looking a lot like membrana a Russian ruderalis crossed to an afghani,they then cross it to.a purple kush to get a purple kush auto anyway my.other two are more bushy but this lady is definitely flowering the fastest on day 28 .
20 days
I had a 1000W ballast shit the bed in my other room with my photos so i had to pull 1 of these lights off and put it back there till i can get another one should be tommorrow.It was my backup ballast so im not buying any more of that brand.These plants are growing fast by the day so i see maybe 12 more days and this screen will be packed.



check out these crazy photos.this is where my ballast took a dump.these have been under 1000W HPS so im kinda wanting these autos to pull through so i can switch to all CMH

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Im comin after you guys..
my dragon queen regs.. Hoping for a male , he will be a pollen stud!!!
If u luck up and find a vigorous frosty ass male you will have some real good stuff
I hope!!! This round eas supposed to be more about collecting some love dust, is anybody planning on entering the Mephisto Battle in Sept??? Just keeping the start date on everybodies radar...this is where i will use the dust if i get some!!!!
I hope!!! This round eas supposed to be more about collecting some love dust, is anybody planning on entering the Mephisto Battle in Sept??? Just keeping the start date on everybodies radar...this is where i will use the dust if i get some!!!!
Yep ,yep count me in ,once I finish up these purple kushs ,I will only start up 2 more autos saving room for the mephisto ,probably even go with a bigger than normal planter.
I hope!!! This round eas supposed to be more about collecting some love dust, is anybody planning on entering the Mephisto Battle in Sept??? Just keeping the start date on everybodies radar...this is where i will use the dust if i get some!!!!
i like to work with feminized pollen personally when dealing with autos.Its easier to find an awesome female to pair with another and guaranteed all the seeds will be female.unless the breeders strain is IBL its gonna be hard to get stable with or without males as soon as you cross outside of the original line.
That would be awesome though if you lucked up and found something special.
i like to work with feminized pollen personally when dealing with autos.Its easier to find an awesome female to pair with another and guaranteed all the seeds will be female.unless the breeders strain is IBL its gonna be hard to get stable with or without males as soon as you cross outside of the original line.
That would be awesome though if you lucked up and found something special.
when im ready, ill be asking a lot of questions.....im ready..... So you think i shouldnt save pollen from the DQ plants??
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