#AFN Indoor Grow Battle


ow bout a heaping helping of git the feck outta ere!!!.. Bwahahaha..kidding... Is this gona be a team competition.. Anybody name any teams er anything, .. I mean, i could just go down the street and randomly knock mo fos out, but if i just beat a whole team......
Whaddya say man... Wanna be team last place??? We're the team to beat..
Going by the photo , you need a Aussie to cook the BBQ . , A little hint , you need to turn it on . :crying::biggrin: :thumbsup:
If an assy was on the grill itd be all cak!!! Badda bing
Whaddya say man... Wanna be team last place??? We're the team to beat..
The benchearmers u say?? Sure just dont call me late for dinner
Badges.. We need badges oer her @Rebel .. Team benchearmers TB for short... Bwahahahahabeahahahah :fire:
If ya cant beat TB better call Saul!!
The tallest purple kush autos is my entry ,they will be a month old on the 5 except the one in the middle will be a month on the 11th .
Badges.. We need badges oer her @Rebel .. Team benchearmers TB for short... Bwahahahahabeahahahah :fire:
How long this battle run anyways... Is there time for torture and bondage
::::::Community Meeting:::::
Can we let Stepside into this competition??
I mean, im not worried cause i'll prolly take last place, but...... You guys decide... Dont forget the June 22 deadline for your plant to be chosen
Cool with me. :smokeout:
Quick update while I'm working, might as well get paid for it. Couple pics from last night, trimmed her a bit the other day n she's already filling back out nicely. Got a couple hairs sprouting out now.