#AFN Indoor Grow Battle

::::::Community Meeting:::::
Can we let Stepside into this competition??
I mean, im not worried cause i'll prolly take last place, but...... You guys decide... Dont forget the June 22 deadline for your plant to be chosen
I'm easy, I've got no issues if someone else were to join :smokeout:
Some for everyone..uhh.. The winning plants get smoked by the one that dont place top 5, in other words, me.. Bwahahaha..
I like that rule,i'll use it in the next battle....
So... I'm in?? You guys are gonna let me play... Woohoo @budelee you owe me one now... I just stole last place..what did I win???
Going by the photo , you need a Aussie to cook the BBQ . , A little hint , you need to turn it on . :crying::biggrin: :thumbsup:
Budelee smokes all his meat.. that's just where he keeps it till he can find his lighter
So... I'm in?? You guys are gonna let me play... Woohoo @budelee you owe me one now... I just stole last place..what did I win???
ow bout a heaping helping of git the feck outta ere!!!.. Bwahahaha..kidding... Is this gona be a team competition.. Anybody name any teams er anything, .. I mean, i could just go down the street and randomly knock mo fos out, but if i just beat a whole team......