#AFN Indoor Grow Battle

Kind of embarrassing to be posting right after The Plant Whisperer -- I'm pretty sure he works in the microbiology lab of a major pharmaceutical company -- but anyway, here's my Sweet Tooth chugging along on day 23. She's still short of the Autopot's edges, so I haven't turned on the res or air dome yet.
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naw man trust me every day the plants are healthy in A recirc DWC is a blessing.Things can go bad really quick .They are easy to run once you dial it in but trust me i have lost entire grows in a matter of 2 days when something goes wrong.The growth you get from giving the plants access to everything they can possibly want in a PH perfect environment is a trade off to things that can go bad really quick.Trust me you have to think a few days ahead in DWC and already have a game plan in place.
Hey @The Plant Whisperer, some day I may aspire to your level of confidence & expertise, but I concluded early on in my Noob research that R-DWC, while enticing for its awesome productivity, is not forgiving of the 1st time novice grower. I'll consider myself lucky just to watch and learn from your process during this Grow Contest. All the best to ya. :toke:
Hey @The Plant Whisperer, some day I may aspire to your level of confidence & expertise, but I concluded early on in my Noob research that R-DWC, while enticing for its awesome productivity, is not forgiving of the 1st time novice grower. I'll consider myself lucky just to watch and learn from your process during this Grow Contest. All the best to ya. :toke:
I love to see other growers succeed.If you ever decide to dive into it i will walk you thru anything you wanna know.
TPW is bringing it!

Always great to see and share ;)

:pass: + :slap:

Grow Battle Warriors
Know your enemy.....
Where is all the updates?
The field started out with a large number of people ..who is still in???
Everybody is way ahead of me, but i'm comin after ya

Bwahahaha...this will be my comp plant
By the way, can I swap plants? I've got a sour bubbly cush shaping up to be a beast. Is it up to 30 days then choose, or was that just for photo plants?
By the way, can I swap plants? I've got a sour bubbly cush shaping up to be a beast. Is it up to 30 days then choose, or was that just for photo plants?
Ur doing a photo plant??