Indoor Afgan Kush Ryder Vs Northern Lights " Coco Grow "

Feb 4, 2015
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Hello Afn Iam glad am Back to my fellow pilgrims.
I wanted to post earlier yet my web speed sucked not possible to upload pics.
Any way this is my Coco grow World of Seeds Afgan Kush Ryder and Vision Northern Lights. Its been a wonderful grow until day 50 which am about to upload, Iam glad ill be able to celebrate Harvest with all of you.
So there we Go My new Grow room 1,20m x 1,20m x 2,20m with proper ventilation 20151220_151300.jpg HPS 600 w Coco grow which am about to treat hydroponically, I read that coco fully saturated still holds 30% oxygen and I also added 15% perlite, and iam about to water frequently. I fully saturated my pots with overrunning water with a mild dose of guana grow Liquid sea weed and Canna Rhizotonic, and planted seeds directly to the pot. I dont like them to get shocked especially in the beginning. Yet only three survived birth one Northern Lights went down right after it sprout. so here we are 2 Afgan Kush Ryders and 1 Northern Light 3x3 gallon pots 20/4 light schedule. Humidity 60-75% Temperature: 22-26 C light 18- 20 C Night hours.

60 Hours after sprout20151218_221644.jpg 20151218_221649.jpg 20151220_151207.jpg I keep watering with a syringe every few hours fresh water oxygen. No feeding .

Day 10
20151227_205710.jpg 20151227_205733#1.jpg 20151227_205751.jpg Northern lights since to lead the way. Still water every few hours.

Day 15
20151231_171000.jpg 20151231_171008.jpg 20151231_171017.jpg 20160104_142109.jpg Northern ``Lights seems to be the Ryder until now. Afgan kush ryder has a distinctive second set of leaves on side 1lief other side 2 leafs Both demontrate that even in previous grows.

Day 20
20160104_141958.jpg 20160104_142041.jpg20160104_142155.jpg Ive started watering once a day every other day I feed with mild nutrients no more than 0.5 EC I also add Vodoo Juice and Rhino skin (silicons) & Rhizotonic.

Still need to upload until day 50 yet your comments and advice is much welcome Afn.
See you soon.


  • 20151231_171032.jpg
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and here we are day 32
20160115_185142.jpg 20160118_141434.jpg 20160118_141448.jpg 20160118_141505.jpg explosive grow , I keep watering twice a day feeding once 0.8 - 1.0 EC

Day 40

20160125_164548.jpg 20160125_164630.jpg 20160125_164751.jpg 20160125_164759.jpgI use canna ccoco which is the same for grow and flower I just started adding PK with Big Bud Coco Advance Nutrients.

Day 45
20160128_194548.jpg 20160128_194617.jpg 20160128_194633.jpg Afgank Kush Ryder started flowering much faster than Northern lights yet the second is become a huge bush multiple tops!!!20160128_194514.jpg

Love you AfN


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day 50
20160201_191731.jpg 20160207_181505.jpg Northern lights has 18 tops plus I cant count the side branches 20160205_205714.jpg20160205_205929.jpg 20160205_210001.jpg shes drinking water like crazy 2 times a day and when I water the pot its totally dry very Light to lift

Yet Afgan Kush Ryder is a Ryder indeed.20160205_205728.jpg


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Day 55
20160211_184617.jpg:growing:I feel lucky one girl did not survive birth I have no space in my grow room

NorthernLights is staring to flower 10 days delay compare to afgan kush ryder but its a huge plant in 3 gallon pot Ihad to lollitop it I dont know if i did the right thing???20160211_184643.jpg 20160211_184711.jpg 20160211_184727.jpg 20160211_184546.jpg

afgan Kush Ryder is fattening seriously Iam very happy with this grow20160211_184533.jpg 20160208_220355.jpg 20160208_220411.jpg

Waiting you comments guys If you had these strains I would like to know your harvest time.

Cheers Afn :jump:
They look great PP...the akr is well on her way... I like my trichs amber for more night time use so always let them go longer. If you can check the trichs with a scope or loupe you can choose when to harvest. If you have any specific questions just ask...
They look great PP...the akr is well on her way... I like my trichs amber for more night time use so always let them go longer. If you can check the trichs with a scope or loupe you can choose when to harvest. If you have any specific questions just ask...
hey my friend thanks for taking time to see my grow .iam really happy with the northen light is delayed a lot but i still dont know when to stop feeding and start flushing and if i need to wait for yellow leaves, my previous harvest just by checking trichomes did no give me the result i wanted I think i harvesrted to soon. And also wonder if transparent trichomes should exist a long with cloudy and amber ones when I count the percentage.
hope dont bother you with my noob questions?
thanks a lot:smoking::thanks:
Nice work on this. Caught my eye as I'm looking forward to growing AKR and I've not seen many journals on it.

Seen a few though and yours is the nicest I've seen:thumbsup:
Thankfully the ones that run longer before fully flowering tend to give big yields so are worth waiting for... Some plants can take longer to amber and some dont seem to amber at all.
I usually begin flush once some amber trichs are present. At that stage the pistils have receded and leaves begin to yellow quickly due to flushing..
Keep the pics coming and we can try to advise more as you progress..
Good luck