Aerogarden CS Sex Change

Jul 24, 2013
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Hello all! I thought I would start a thread with an experiment.

I have yet to successfully change a plant, mostly due to horrible cab environment and inefficient soil growing methods. I have decided to go back to my traditional DWC method since, ironically, I do much better with it. The plant used is a Northern Lights X Bigbud from World of Seeds. I do have another plant that will be pollinated growing in a seperate Aerogarden (same strain). I will post pics of this later, hopefully to show how much larger it is in the bucket when it gets to that stage. Again, this will mainly be focusing on reversal and pollen collection.

First, please know that I would never advocate growing a cannabis plant fully in the Aerogarden. I do, however, start every seed that I grow into a plant with it. I find the plugs are very easy to manage and it is a complete all in one unit.

For the sake of this experiment I will not be supplementing the reservoir with any oxygen via an aquarium bubbler. This is an experiment where the results are good and obtained with a minimum of fuss (hopefully).

Ideally the CS treatment will stunt the growth of the plant requiring less height. Another factor controlling size is the plant is pure Indica, which should naturally grow more compact. Last, I will not be afraid to top and/or trim this plant. I know this is NEVER done when growing for consumption but this experiment is an exercise in gender swapping and only male pollen will be harvested. Therefore I only want enough to actually collect pollen from the flowers. Once I have enough it's life will be ended. Cruel, I know, but it will have served it's purpose :X's Evil Laugh x:

These are pics from last week when the plant was one week old:
001 - Copy.jpg002 - Copy.jpg

And now seven days later:
closeup wk 2 - Copy.jpgregular week 2 - Copy.jpg
As you can see the Aerogarden does work at this stage of plant life and ideally I would be transplanting in my regular bucket soon, probably after one more week or so.

I will be using Tiresias mist at first until the bottle is empty, then making my own CS solution. I bought the mist on a whim, and have since learned that I could have made gallons of CS for the price I paid for it. I do not view this as money misspent however because it was a learning/thinking spark.

The instructions state to only spray on one branch but I will be changing the entire plant according to the instructions on the definitive colloidal silver thread (I am assuming everyone has read this ENTIRELY including the questions and answers).

One deviation from the instructions on the thread will be to use purchased Colloidal Silver. This is in the form of 500 PPM. When diluted to 10% strength it should be 50 ppm, so adding 3 ML of this and topping off the one ounce (30 ml) spray bottle with distilled water should be what I am after.

!!Edit!! I will be making my own solution as discussed below

I believe the genius is in the application of the spray. Being a smaller and more precise spray stream is the advantage here over spraying the entire plant until runoff or at best only hitting some of the fan leaves accidentally. This is a hopeful assumption that is a large part of the experiment.

Hopefully some will gain some insight to the conversion process and we can all learn along the way. I really can't thank Bob on the Definitive CS thread enough for his insight and the time he has spent helping others and sharing information that made this experiment possible. I hope you read this because you truly are the best Bob! I also look forward to hearing from others concerning their ideas or constructive criticism, and those who have done a conversion successfully before.
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This just came to me: One other factor that may stunt growth is the lack of extra oxygen to the root system. I know it sounds insane to want to stunt the plant but for this grow it is the ideal situation...
lookin forward to your progress

as for that 500 ppm , not possible , snake oil , at 500 ppm it should be so thick its almost solid , and that aint c.s.

start making your own asap

keep the updates/pics coming

peace :Cool:
Thanks for the input Bob!

I have been experimenting with the CS that I bought both in the 500 ppm concentrate and also with the Tiresias mist this morning after reading your post. I did not open the bottle of Natural Path Silver Wings 500 ppm Colloidal Silver as I was waiting until my first mixing to open to ensure freshness. After reading your post I opened it up. You are absolutely correct, this aint silver!

It is the color of iodine. I broke out my disposable plastic cups for clean containers to inspect it further. I mixed up my ratios as per my original post. The reading was 25 ppm of a solution that looked very much like iced tea. Laser beam pointed in solution produced absolutely no silver particles... Hmm...

Next I got another clean cup, opened Tiresias mist and poured the entire contents into it. Fluid was clear as water and laser beam did indeed show silver particles. PPM test of solution indicated at 200 ppm on the nose. So now we know the PPM they use. I find it interesting that it is so high and is completely meant for plant reversal.

I will do as indicated and make my own. I will, however, try to find a less bulky way of doing so. When I was making my own before it seemed like a chore. And the black funk that would develop on the rod would inevitably end up in the solution. The last batch I made (which if you recall I never got to use because the plant died) turned out a cloudy gray. This was not at all like my first batch. I was using a large gallon jar thinking that it would be easier to get the rods and bubbler into it. Perhaps smaller would be better? I will also try to find some small alligator clips or the like as without fail the rod would slip out of the electric tape wrapped rod while cleaning and I would have to reattach. Not a huge deal but unwrapping the tape and re-wrapping gets a little frustrating.

On the greyish cloudy solution: I make this solution in my brightly lit bathroom. Perhaps it would be better to complete the operation in a dimly lit room?
Alligator clips ordered. Hopefully these will work...
tm claims to be 20 ppm , you said 200 , so now im confused lol , even 200 ppm of true c.s would be hard if not impossible to do

when you get to making your c.s again dont worry about the sludge if you get any , just pour slowly and dont pour the sludge into your spray bottle , the times i dont clean my wires often enough and get sludge it stays in the jar easily while pouring the c.s into the spray bottle , i can actually get (this is a guestimate) about 98% of the water , leaving mainly the bit of sludge

as for the grey/silver solution , ive done it , its a higher concentration then needed but does work

as for a bright lit room , might cause problems , ive always done it in a dim room and the last time in the dark with no noticable difference

best of luck , keep the updates coming

peace :Cool:
Thanks again Bob!

Unless my ppm tester went haywire that's what it said, I know its strange for sure.

Glad to hear that gray cloudy water will work. I couldn't figure out why it did this!

Either way I'm going to try rigging up something in a quart mason jar. This should be better than fumbling around with the gallon jar half filled.

You post on the successful reversal misting only every other day really got me thinking about the small amount of mist that is really needed. I plan on doing it daily but only hitting the bud sites. We shall see!
Thanks again Bob!

Unless my ppm tester went haywire that's what it said, I know its strange for sure.

Glad to hear that gray cloudy water will work. I couldn't figure out why it did this!

Either way I'm going to try rigging up something in a quart mason jar. This should be better than fumbling around with the gallon jar half filled.

You post on the successful reversal misting only every other day really got me thinking about the small amount of mist that is really needed. I plan on doing it daily but only hitting the bud sites. We shall see!

the plant i sprayed every other day hasnt dropped pollen yet , but should any time now , maybe even today , she did fully reverse but how reliable she is going to be is yet to be determined

to date my best reversal/amount of pollen was from a plant i sprayed twice a day , at lights on and at lights off (12/12 lighting) , if this plant i have now isnt productive ill try the twice a day route on a sister clone to see

if you try twice a day be careful as they wont need watering as often , and if in hydro i dunno ? most likely wont use the water/nutrients provided

its all experimenting to see what works best in your situation/room , i can only guide you , its eventually up to you to perfect it on your end , thats why i keep saying im looking forward to your updates lol

peace :Cool:
I definitely am wondering about the over watering issue as discussed on your thread earlier. With hydro it should be an interesting component of the experiment. Thanks for sharing your updates on your own experiment! Interesting! I will certainly keep updating this one. Subbed to your thread immediately after finding it several months ago so I will keep dropping in there too when updates are posted! I sincerely appreciate you dropping in on this one and offering your advice!
Considering an experiment far down the road. I wonder what would happen if you added colloidal silver to the reservoir? Since it is so cheap to make I wonder if you could just mix up a gallon. I wonder how adding ph down and nutrient salts would act on the CS? Probably not good, but maybe one fluid ounce or so... You could internally change the plant so spraying would be completely unnecessary !