R.I.P. Gone, but not forgotten.
Hey thanks for the answer. If it wasn't for this site I would continue to stumble forward. Your answer makes sence. It is not that it was a problem just didn't know why. I used to measure it all so carefully now I have become such a lazy bastard and just dump some of each in the tank. I lose about 6 litres a day to evaporation. I take 4 litres out each day to dump on my outside beds and add about 10 litres of water. I like to trmove water cause I think the rotation keeps the salinity build up down. I use vinigar to adjust the pH and I add nuits to keep I like to keep my ppm to between 650 and 700. Not that scientific. My biggest fear is spider mites. Other than that I don't have any problems. Hydro is easy to control and becomes almost automatic and ritualistic.
Hey nelson,
A lot of companies seperate the bottles into A&B because otherwise mixing the components together under such concentration will result in reactions resulting in insoluble gypsum crystals forming and ruining the fert mix.
There are some 1-component bottles out there but they are usually less concentrated in order to avoid that problem.
Again for bloomboosters I'd go with CanadianXpress Headmasta. Its cheap and concentrated, has hormones, plant extracts, and silicon
Im trying it now after hearing so much about it. We will see !
I am gonna get the Sensi Grow A+B and Bloom A+B to see if this ph perfect technology is worth the less-concentrated bottles of AN.