Nutrients Advanced Nutrients - is this overkill?

An acronym comes to mind.
KISS = keep it simple stupid

No im not calling you stupid, or offering a kiss...

The basic line up is all you need. Doesnt matter what you pick for company really. I personally think AN is a master marketting scheme. Yea they have some good stuff, that you could probably buy 1 bottle of elsewhere to replace 3 of theirs.

I like to pick and choose what i use from different lines. Right now im using up some leftover greenhouse nutes from Humboldt County's Own. Their micro, bloom, and magnesium for soil, then g-10 and snow storm for additives. Only thing from AN i use is their overdrive.
But remember im just a photo guy with photo experience. I may have to relearn a lot of this stuff in relation to autos.
I used the Advanced Line up at the expert level just short of 2 ingredients. And I can say unless you can read plants extremely well less is more. Obviously the more you complicate your grow the more problems you will have. My advice pick a base and voodoo juice, Big bud and maybe Bud candy. I have since switched to super soil a little Coast of Maine Squid juice and Mammoth P and life is a lot easier. A lot of people I think lose sight of what they are trying to accomplish QUALITY OVER QUANITY anyway good luck.
I will add my vote for Greenleaf MC and CalMagPro, and maybe Bud explosion and Sweet Candy if you wish. I will also add my vote for having a look at Harley Smith's videos on Youtube, and adding some of the Raw line of products as you gain experience and want to dial in your grow. His master grower's course would be a great experience, but even his youtube videos are really informative. For starters, the RAW yucca extract is helpful at distributing your nute mix in your medium, and making foliar applications work better. Later you can play with some of the other modifiers they offer.

I definitely would not launch into the AN line - IIMHO it is overpriced and not significantly more effective than alternatives. As to the pH business, you will not avoid the problem by going with AN. And unless you actually test your well water with an EC meter, you will not know what you have there. As someone else mentioned, your water is unlikely to be as low in EC as the AN line prefers. I really recommend that you spend the AN megabucks on something else that will help the grow. There is next to zero chance that you will be able to do better with the AN line than just sticking with Megacrop and CalMagPro and learning how to dial them in, and dialing in the Megacrop will be far simpler than playing with the long list of products in the AN line. There are some very good growers on here who are getting spectacular results with MC, it is clearly a very effective product.

Good luck with your decisions and your grow. :goodluck:
Mega Crop is a super :tonic:I grow beast with it and can run multiple strains and feed same way for all with no problems. So my vote is Greenleaf also