Sir Bot's! I see your porn-shoot skills are as good as ever!-

..that c/u of the young TW-

...catalog-grade pic my friend!
.... I sympathize with the environmental control and tinkering challenges and frustrations,....though I can't say I understand!-

--Sometimes I think I have it easy, letting Mother nature take the reigns with all that! 'Course, I'm at her ham-fisted mercy at times as well,...

-- what AC??!

..agreed, a soil change would be worth a try, if helps hold even moisture longer, no more roller coaster ride in the root zone any more! yeah, the Pro-Mix BX, or I think Botanicare makes a high retention blend as well,...

Wow, those girlies fattened up rather nicely for you, I'd say! SB turned into a hash bat-

Don't you love it when they lean with top heavy weight? ...and what a bud-brick that TW turned out to be!
Zero popcorn bud

-LOL! Sweet candy-floral aromatics,... did the grape aroma stay? Funny, I've had that aroma come and go on several plants, but it never sticks around,... *** ... PAm' lost the lemony aromatics, ay? LOL!- a good thing I guess, since you mentioned it's not your fav',...odd though, makes you wonder what perfume she'll toss on next! ..ditto for SpD too

LOL! Regardless, the resin production on them all is superb-

....***.... did you see Rebel's foxtail thread? :smoking:...Very entertaining! I seem to not be able to find any solid answers about this phenomenon,... have you? To date, I've had very little of it, only on Frost Dragons, and not too badly,...

Post us some dry-porn when ready, please!

...Aaand, you're overdue for some cheek-heating love my friend!

--if your wife asks where that mark came from, tell her you were swatting a 'squiter on yer bumm!