Dutch Passion A-train's Dutch Passion Auto Ultimate x2

Still waiting on helga to dry.... Olga is in the jars at 62% and her final weight was 292 grams !!!

And Helga is bigger so I'm guessing 350 from her .... fingers crossed...

Here's a little ultimate bud porn while we wait on her to dry up a bit more

Friggin' awesome Atrain. Now I am just soooooo psyched for next summer. Running an Auto Xtreme and Auto ultimate around the outer perimeter of my full sun garden. Cant wait to see what they can do outside!
Got any feed tips or anything on the ultimate? (running AN for sure)
The was big as hell but could only handle half strength base nutes when feeding daily...I'm sure if you watering less you can up it... very very branch and will put out a lot of colas if trained.. good luck man can't wait to follow

I'll be feeding twice weekly, but with a fairly large amount.(1 gallon) Also running Xtreme, Daquiri Lime and Think Different or Think Big next year with my photos. I'll be using my full training methods except for the topping.(and more selective/spaced on defoliation)

Edit- That bud looks so amazing man!!
I want to see a think big ran before I try it... that's a long time to run a n auto but if the yield is worth it I'll give 1 a go
She'd be a perfect fit for outdoor guys wanting a nice early harvest if the start was timed right. Hoping the same with Think different 12/12.