Indoor A-Train and Amare ..... Solar Eclipse 250 / 450 UVB Perpetual Autoflower Grow

Little event update. The Yeti OG will fall tommorrow and i dropped a Sweet Seeds Cream Mandarin XL today. Super excited about the sweets coming up next.

The Dutch passion babies are perfect green and flourishing right now.
hey a-train i see that you are in the know about photography what would be a good starting camera to improve my photos on here i took your advise in the BOM/NOM section and use a black back drop helps alot but i only have a cheap camera phone thats just not cutting it i just want something that wont break the bank but will take nice photos easy to use and maybe a bit of macro if thats not askin too much :pass::thanks:
Im truly noyba camera dude. Ibuse a note 3 for all my pics and eayted to geive help how tobtakebnice pics on a cell

@fairly @eyesonfire now those huys have cameras and killit. I would reccommend a 0m to themnfor a few poimters
:woohoo1: Sweets! :d5: ...CM XL is very interesting to me, with her being crossed with their Thai strain... sometime, you have to try the Green Poison, Ice Cool, Moham Ram, and SAD (Black Domina)! ...... :eyebrows: Have you checked out EoF's Yeti? -- freakin' juicy man!
The dutch passion ladies are looking very nice.

Blackberry Kush

Brooklyn Sunrise
The bubba trouble is done and the Dutch Passion girls are poised to take over the flowering tent. Really excited to see these.

Back left : colorado cookies
Back right : Moby Dick
Front left : Brooklyn Sunrise
Front right : Blackberry Kush


When the moby dick comes out the DP Daqueri lime will take her spot for an all DP flowering phase.