Indoor A-Train and Amare ..... Solar Eclipse 250 / 450 UVB Perpetual Autoflower Grow

:pass:Doc you grow some of the nicest plants i've ever seen. Wish we were neighbors lol. Thanks for posting all those beautiful grows and the ones to come. You constantly set the benchmark high (pun intended) brother

I recently stumbled across a tek called swick. Thought it sounded pretty interesting so i start reading up on it. Then came here looked for it in the threads and found your journal. It wasnt complete so i wanted to ask your thoughts on it

First of all thank you for the overly kind words my friend. Sometimes i get down amd dragged down with journaling but comments like this and knowing just 1 person enjoys seeing them or learns something it provides the motivation. So thank you

Secondly im not really up on the swivk method. I know of it but i much prefer the aggressive feeding and hand watering i use. May i ask what thread your talking about. I used autopots for a bit but it wasmt for me so i pretty much abandoned it. They are a great solution and grow enormous plants but i found ro water works best and im not investing in RO atm...
Yea the ro systems to much for me.
I do enjoy the grow show and im postive im not the only person. Keep up the great work
I thought the swick could be an inexpensive alternative. Its new to me but its not new to the culture. Havent found to many ppl using it. I figured it was something that never caught on for one reason or another. Or its a not a good tek
I have seen a woman on another forum who is very proficient at it. Her plants are fairly nice and its all swick method. She uses a tru living soil. This i find to be the key. I would also reccomend the mephisto autoflower mix since its water only. This way no nutrints are being added into your swicking water. Ill look into the thread and let you know how i feel about it now since its been a long time lok
YeH thats the method i got from her. It was put in before the site update so the pics were lost. Its a good alternative to hand watering with the right soil and when done correctly can make for a very easy grow. I never followed through with it to give hands on experience. Something always pulled me back to sitting in the floor hand watering my plants lol
Yeh, I love the personal contact I get by hand feeding every day. I'm finishing up two tents this month -- one strictly AutoPot and BioTabs and the other fiber pots with your modified AN nute program. I have to say, not only do I have less personal involvement (and thus emotional attachment) to the AP/BioTab girls, but I also feel less in control of their development.
My only concern going forward is "what to do during a vacation away from home?" I know some folks use ceramic stakes (like the Tropf Blumat). What do you do? Mid-Oct I'll be going away for a few days, but will have 2-4 plants on week 6 of the AN nute program. :weed::weed: :weed: :weed:
Well @Waira i always promise bit never deliver

Not this time...

Chem de la Chem Buds

This is one that really dissapointed me when i came to bud shots. They def do not do them justice. The CDLC are some of if not the finest buds i have grown... this is an awesome plant
The Yeti OG has just just about depleted her leaves and will be the next to fall... the CDLC was such a treat and with the mephisto battle coming up i think that will be the next one to drop on sept 1st....

Yeti OG

:jointman: Mr. Stoned Adventure - :rofl: .... Final live shots of GGG4 and Uber Chem' are glorious,...:woody: :bravo:..... But that dry Chem' is off the hizzle!! :bow: :pimp: :drool: I know what you mean about the pics not matching the eye's perception, it happens to me too- :rofl: ... I think the silver sparkles get so heavy and layered they wash out some! --- gawds, I can't stop eye humping that bud- :hump:... you know I'm gonna ask-- how's the aroma? ... Potency too! thing that I'm curious about is how you get so much color out of everything by the end, some expected, others not so much! It's certainly not the temps,... genetic aside, often it's a touch of P defc. that does this, showing mainly as that leaf burnishing and air-brush color on parts of the bud,... I suspect it's your feed regime that pumps the P when it matters most, then the longer than usual reduction and cut-off while they cruise home on fat K and 'crobe's nute cycling,...:wiz:

***(tech issues man, stand by)
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