Indoor A-Train and Amare ..... Solar Eclipse 250 / 450 UVB Perpetual Autoflower Grow

There may be a week at the end thats straight water. If that. I run the Nectar for the gods herculean harvest evry watering when finishing. I keep the mammoth P running as well. The RECHARGE os double strength one time you know i cut nutes and finish with this longer than average. A few days after cutting AN ill give the first dose of DENSE with water only. Then wait 3 to 4 days maybe 5 if i forget and hit em again. I do it at least 3 times before the last few days of water only and the swell is awesome and aromas seem to be enhanced as well. May be my mind playing tricks but sure seems like it. The swell is REAL lol
I believe you 100% bro You have Budding down to a ART A-Train. I am so glad the dense is helpling.
Damn @A-Train you killed it and many many more to come
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I hope to keep them coming bigger and better. I REALLY wanna run some DP strains. The newer autos..... just havnt come accross the beans. I had a care package otw that never showed :(

Don't worry about running DP strains I'll handle it on my end haha

And I took a close up shot of some of the Northern Lights that was ready to be jarred up for curing. You may need a jacket shit is frosty :woohoo1:
