this should be finished by dawn..hopefully
I can see the bottom of the cup under the layer of oil, the color is really cool..dark amber with golden hues and green streaks
I'll get a pic later,but the tinc is done. I used the wrong container to evap the alky in. the leftover oil is really a gooey mess. Use glass next time. I took a small glob for a test dose,size of a large seed maybe. that was about an hour ago.Everybody is up and about here time. I will let you know how it works.
edit/ it is 10am here and i really feel it now,visual distortion and sweating like a pig, holy hell...I'm toast. glad they went
on a day trip to Dublin for a job interview,i need to lay down now and ride these waves. SMaller dose tomorrow,cant function like this back up after a few ninutes of thrashing about in the bed trying to get comfortable...fractional attention span..easily diverted..1/2 or less this dose would be better
its 6pm here and alls well in "oil-ville"...either my first dose of this oil was too big or I just got the best of the best in one dose because I was as close to wondering how much was really too much
for me,and was I ever going to get back from there. know what I mean?
this was my first try at everclear extraction..the flavor is mild,but it coats the bottom of the tongue and doesnt really absorb good in your mouth. maybe it should be put in capsules.
this is a real keeper though.
Also works well are some of the potpourri warmers & the mini slow cookers (Crock-Pot some folks call them, it's a brand name for a line of slow cookers). If you can hold out to purchase - usually on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) places like Wal-mart & Walgreens have the mini slow cookers on sale for like US$5
In summary I must say that this oil can be unpleasantly potent...the effects are strongly phyisical,almost too much going on at once sensation..anxiety was an issue only after I wanted to stop bieng so medicated,but couldnt come down.
In retrospect though..the dose I took was about the size of a watermellon seed...probly shouldve been a weed seed size dose .
I did wake up feeling great and really ready forr more,just a lot smaller dose. Todays dose was much less stimulating and my thinking is more orderly...about 1/3 of yesterdays dose. still not the pain med I was searching for....but....I have the genetics and the method to capture the oil...just need to make some adjustments in ratios and evap temps.
thanks for coming with me on this was fun....
9:30 am here. last night was a sleepless night ,around dawn I ate a double "no bake edible made with reduced glycerine tincture,and the last of the "oil" was added as a topping...
I am now officially Fried with a big F....oh man this sure beats feeeling any other way....time to lie on my side and dream the aches away...dream about getting my grow room back . ahhh yea...the Dragon is telling me to shut this thing off and rest now.
I recently made a glycerin tinc. with 1/2 oz. NLxBB and 1 oz. trim. Smells great. Super sweet. I've successfully removed a few stubborn warts from my undercarriage with it. Gross I know, but hey that's life. After 3 months battling with over the counter wart remover, most fell off/srcaped off in about 5 days. I'm not posting any pics of this procedure for everyone's sake, but it does and can work. I think that a glycerin tinc. would work better for skin ailments as vegetable glycerin has some very good properties for the skin on it's own. I"m no Doc or scientist so I'm not recommending this to everyone, just and FYI. Also a TBSP. in my coffee + cream keeps me right as rain for about 12+ hours.
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