Extraction A simple guide to making Hash

Hey @AussieStoner start at the beginning of this thread where @ChillFred has prolly the easiest most cost effective way to some killer hash
Didn't even noticed you tags me man, and just read it all, I'll be doing this when I harvest my white rhino! Thanks for this simple technique @ChillFred
I just wanna suggest another method I use.
Before you wrap the newspaper ect around the baking paper, I leave the dust in the baking paper, folding at least three times then on LOW heat and on a hard surface, press the baking paper with an iron for a few seconds, then fold the hash over on itself and press with iron again ( when I say press, personally I put my body weight on it) I repeat this until I have a solid block of hash, let it cool down and smoke away.
Didn't even noticed you tags me man, and just read it all, I'll be doing this when I harvest my white rhino! Thanks for this simple technique @ChillFred
I just wanna suggest another method I use.
Before you wrap the newspaper ect around the baking paper, I leave the dust in the baking paper, folding at least three times then on LOW heat and on a hard surface, press the baking paper with an iron for a few seconds, then fold the hash over on itself and press with iron again ( when I say press, personally I put my body weight on it) I repeat this until I have a solid block of hash, let it cool down and smoke away.
An awesome tip!! Have a big-ole rep slap for that!!:slap:
So, question for all the older/more experienced heads: For someone totally new to hash how much difference is there, really, between the grades that @budelee posted pics of? I mean, on one hand I just watched a video of some dude rubbing and stomping on a baseball-sized lump of kief that looked like dirt, and then a few posts down we're talking about how there's too much vegetation, stalks, and immature resin glands in a 73 micron dry ice hash run that's blonde and pristine looking.

I guess what I'm wondering is (and I'm sure it's subjective to a point) - what's "good" hash and what's bad? Is it simply dependent on personal taste and what's "correct" for a particular style of hash, or? As a noob, it's a bit confusing.
So, question for all the older/more experienced heads: For someone totally new to hash how much difference is there, really, between the grades that @budelee posted pics of? I mean, on one hand I just watched a video of some dude rubbing and stomping on a baseball-sized lump of kief that looked like dirt, and then a few posts down we're talking about how there's too much vegetation, stalks, and immature resin glands in a 73 micron dry ice hash run that's blonde and pristine looking.

I guess what I'm wondering is (and I'm sure it's subjective to a point) - what's "good" hash and what's bad? Is it simply dependent on personal taste and what's "correct" for a particular style of hash, or? As a noob, it's a bit confusing.

Hey my friend @ANTiFA
This just demonstrates a simple way of collecting kief; it won't give you real fine kief there will always be some plant matter in it but if you take your time and dont rush it, it will stilll be pretty smooth and a killer smoke.. but you run it through 3-4 times and the more you play around with the pantyhose youll notice the microns differ throughout the pantyhose. I still collect kief for capsules / vaping this way very often.

ive never tried any other way of making hash but this works great if you dont rush it... when i bought my meds, id always get high grade hash so thats what i compare it with.

@budelee knows a lot more on the different methods than i do.

good luck!
Hey whats up guys @ANTiFA @ChillFred , the differences in the grades can be in the look and the taste/quality.. The best is a low worked product for the best quality.. The material can be worked a few different times for max quantity, but the best is the low worked AAA grade..these are just my opinions tho,
@ChillFred & @budelee , thanks both for the comments. I think it's clearer now, but I am still a bit confused why anyone would go through the trouble to process the keif as much as the guy in the video was, if the fresh product is better quality, but I guess it comes down to tradition, and to a lesser extent the ease of transport/sale if they're exporting it, yeah?

Sorry if I'm not making sense - still trying to figure out what my exact question is, lol. I get the overall idea, it just seems like there's a few methods of making hash that would automatically result in a lower quality end product simply by the virtue of the manufacturing process which makes you wonder why anyone would bother doing so.
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I'm going to be giving this a go soon, will be using bubble bags instead of tights (don't want any more weird looks at the checkout). I'll post something up as and when!

So done it! and this is my result, well, the two pots are. Left is 25 and 75 micron, right is 120 & 160 I think. Made a bit of a mess out of the right pot, got a few pistols, and a few hairs in the mix!!