Indoor A newbies Grow Journal ... from it's Genesis to it's Rapture

What about need some habitation you have an Advanced Water Can Driving License?

If not, may I suggest you consider some automation........personally I now sleep with the Autopot brochure under my pillow(all right, all right
Raining shit.gif
.....I made that up!), only question is should the next lot be the small 15 L or the 25 L XL edition......if you get the 220 cm high tents, then the XL, if it is low-ceiling growing, then the 15 L may compliment the room better.

Of course, Airpots, Smartpots may be part of the arsenal, even plain Jane buckets with some strategic holes in them.........and Airdomes..........and airpumps.......and.........I'll stop now before my driveling drive me
I'd get a dehumidifier in that damp smelling room and get cleaning - get it as dry as you can and clean any mold away before the grow - no point in starting at a disadvantage as mold spores spread easily.

Thank you.
On the 'to do' list now. :thanks:

Bluelabs meters are about as good as they come. I think you can get a combined PH and EC "truncheon" that is supposed to be the business.

OK ... then I'll assume this is still relevant. :woohoo:


You'll need extraction for airflow so for the sake of another $100, you may aswell get yourself a good carbon filter to match the fan.

[sigh] ... OK ... :doh:

Hope some of it's useful!

... and appreciated. :bow:
This is one for me! :)


That's the baby!

Maxigrow surge relay timer! Sweet! Just like mine

(stops the plugs melthing and house burning down)


Added to the Research list.

Biggest issue here is the power supply has an annoying habit of turning off for a nano-second.
Inconsistent supply from the monopoly supplier.

Not long power cuts ... just very brief outages, lasting no more than 2 seconds.
Sometimes it trips the mains, most times it doesn't.
Pain in the ass more than anything, but I sure as hell don't want it causing THOUSANDS in damages to sensitive growing equipment.
only question is should the next lot be the small 15 L or the 25 L XL edition......if you get the 220 cm high tents, then the XL, if it is low-ceiling growing, then the 15 L may compliment the room better.

I live by the philosophy ... "go BIG or go home"

Unkown said:
We're not here to fuck spiders.

15 L air pots were never in my imagined Cannabis Cornucopia.
Let the girls roam free ... allow them to be all that they can be ...

[and any other applicable, bullshit politically correct, catch cry you can think of.]

Go BIG or go home.
I live by the philosophy ... "go BIG or go home"

15 L air pots were never in my imagined Cannabis Cornucopia.
Let the girls roam free ... allow them to be all that they can be ...

[and any other applicable, bullshit politically correct, catch cry you can think of.]

Go BIG or go home.

Well, in that closed.........


Not surprisingly, hardy root vegetables do better in a healthy, well-drained and aerated soil. The growing environment in an Air-Pot container replicates these conditions. So that you know at what level to plant the seed potatoes, and then how much soil to add when you ‘earth-up,’ as the potato plant grows, we have left every ninth row of cones uncut, as a guide.
It is important to keep the level of moisture in your compost just right so we make all our towers with a large water reservoir, the top 9 rows of cones are uncut.

LOL ...


Errrr ... just as 15L was never in the perfect Grow Tent between my ears ... neither was 150L


RE: @Corgy 's interpretation of philosophies

CAUTION REQUIRED - your 'big' isn't necessarily mirrored
by Corgy's definition/interpretation of 'big'.

Proceed with friendly caution.


Grow Tents ... pretty much down to two choices, but of course, always open to better suggestions.

This one;


OR ... this one [thanks @Corgy }


For those who may not have researched or seen this ... here is why I have a STRONG preference for a WHITE growing space;

BUT ... taller means I also have the option of growing long veged photoperiods in the future, or for just giving some head room for max'ing out the autos in some RDWC.

Decisions, decisions ...
Regarding choice, for me it's a no brainer..........height wins!

But before you make a choice, think hard about how you want to run your ventilation. They way I have set it up is with the fan and filter outside the 2 connected tents, the fan is placed on the ceiling and the Can filter 350(27 kg and diameter of 40 cm) is placed next to the tents with the ducting going through the ceiling, so for me it was important that there was vent socks in the ceiling.

The filter, fan and ducting if it is inside the grow room takes up an un-godly amount of space that is better used by the plants, and makes hanging lights as you want more troublesome......especially if you have a densely packed room with little space to move around without damaging the plants IMHO.
think hard about how you want to run your ventilation. They way I have set it up is with the fan and filter outside the 2 connected tents, the fan is placed on the ceiling and the Can filter 350(27 kg and diameter of 40 cm) is placed next to the tents with the ducting going through the ceiling, so for me it was important that there was vent socks in the ceiling.

The filter, fan and ducting if it is inside the grow room takes up an un-godly amount of space that is better used by the plants, and makes hanging lights as you want more troublesome......especially if you have a densely packed room with little space to move around without damaging the plants IMHO.

Had never considered it.

Forgot to mention, to make hanging easier, I place a galvanised rebar mesh on top of the poles. Not only does it make hanging in any position cheasy peasy, it also add stiffness to the tent structure if fastened with cable strips or screw clamps. I do the same on the sides as appropriate. Here's a pic
