Lighting A Little Help Please

Dec 17, 2011
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I have a couple of questions to ask. A little over a year ago I intended to start grow autos but got side tracked and did some photo grows. Now I am back on track and ready to start growing autos. I have been doing a lot of reading here and elsewhere about lights and which type of auto would be a good choice.
I am only talking about 6 to 8 plants, I am trying to have a harvest every 20 to 30 days. The plants will be in a bathtub so it is a small area. The plant that looks like
a good choice is the MI5. My favorite is DJ Shorts Blueberry. I am going to have a one time influx of cash and will be able to afford to purchase a LED light. I am looking at the 240w Blackstar. The comments on this product are mostly positive but I would like some input from the crowd here. The area is a standard tub approx 20” X 52” usable area. The light is good for about 6sq ft and the tub is close to 7. Should I use 2 lights, one 240w and one 135 or would that be too much? Or should I be looking at a light that uses 5 w diodes? I am only
going to purchase this once and don't want to revisit this expense again. Please give the old man some of your sage advise. I am looking for easy not difficult stuff here. Not trying to grow the biggest baddest weed on the planet here just enough to keep the old man HAPPY!
Though the Blackstar states it covers 6 sq ft, which is probably true, it is more a matter of the "footprint" (2' x 3') happens to come to 6 sq ft. So, you're gonna have about 16" (or 8" on each end) of your tub the Blackstar will not cover well. That may be okay... depending on how close to the edge you place your plants. Gotham Hydro gives the footprint size on each of their LED's on the site. If you want optimal coverage, you'll need to use an LED that covers a footprint of over 4' in length.
Can some mod please move this thread to the LED forum so Slartibartfast can get the best help possible by AFN LED masters that are there.

Also under consideration is the EFSF6 2013 it should adequately cover the area. I am worried about thisbleaching effect I keep reading about. But I am going to run intothe same worry about bleaching if I use 2 of the other style. I amgoing to call Blackstar before I purchase but would like to have someknowledge before I talk to the folks who are trying to sell theproduct. Like I said I only want to purchase this once. Not wind updoing what I usually do and purchase something gain knowledge thenrepurchase what I should have in the first place.
Id suggest 2 blackstars 240w in there for optimum growing pal,with one you may not get full coverage as joe stated.they say it covers a 3x2 area,but for optimum growth i think 2x2 is the best,and with 2 you will get full coverage and better control over your area than one bigger LED shouldn't run into any bleaching probs either as long as you have enough headroom,some strains can be a bit touchy but mainly if you keep the lights high enough your good mate :smokebuds:
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