Mephisto Genetics A grow room(s) make-over thread with Mephisto!


AFN Authorized Vendor
Jun 24, 2013
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Mephisto grow room(s) makeover!

Hey guys I may have mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the proceeds from the soil to oil promo were going to be put to very good use!

So here it is! We will have been here for 4 years come Autumn, and this August will be the first time during our stay that we've been able to schedule a full shut down, we decided not to do any outdoor this year, as we had an overflowing plate with indoor activities and developing the business. Plus August is generally the hottest month!

We really need this down time as typically there's little to no time between activities to do substantial updates, especially in the flowering room which has been running perpetually for over a year now.

So with all our stars aligned it's time to give our main rooms a make-over!

We're starting with Tim's photoperiod flowering room (the biggest space in the casa) over the years there's been several iterations and progression! When we arrived it was a bare breeze block and brick room a blank canvas you could say.


We used roofing panels to line the room, (laying around the property so waste not want not) they're metal skinned and painted white with insulation between,

We affixed a waterproof membrane behind all of the panels, and also for flooring to try and keep moisture at bay and keep a more stable environment, was the idea.

Then we constructed a wall with metal frame work and plaster board in order to separate the room - this took it from 9.5 meter length to 5 meter length.

Shiny and new - mid build

The separation left a smaller room 4 meters in length as a utility space (washing machine) yes we wash our kegs right near to where the Mephisto magic happens :D
It also left an area for potting, mixing up nutrients and a place to keep cuttings and mothers to supply the flowering room.

At first there were 8 lights (600w) 4 per side with a walk way in the middle.

Here's one side -

It was a nice workable configuration, And wasn't too hot in summer yet This wasn't quite enough lighting for the winter months (we don't have heating) there was also quite a heavy work load with potting/transplanting the room all in one stint.

Pre-beds - autos in 18liter plastic bagpots

Tim had met with some guys who were using beds indoors, a lot of guys have internal grows here where it's not too convenient or stealthy to be disposing of soil, (not a problem for us) we'd been re-cycling our soil way before this so figured the best way for the room would be to switch to beds, recycle the soil within the beds, transplant and bobs your uncle. It would also lend nicely to have them as perpetual - again another pain with the one big grow style was having to harvest all at once.. We have to multi-task here at the best of times, so having to crop the whole room at once, even working together would take us away from other tasks for several days.. No Bueno!

So perpetually, Tim could harvest a complete bed by himself in an afternoon and evening.

Tim constructing a middle bed.

4 beds were a nice arrangement but then we had the same heating problems during winter, so tim decided to add two more beds and 4 more hps lights to the middle of the room. Heating was solved, turnaround was good, however the growth was so good it soon became a jungle and almost impossible to work effectively in there. Just another meters width would have made it perfect but what can you do!


Tim did his best to automate the room and combat the inaccessibility issues by using biotabs and plain water, and we grew some very nice flowers however it hasn't been easy. Eventually it was switched to 6x e-papillon 1000w adjustables

Super lemon haze - photo by gbd

But enough chatter! The new plan is:

6x 2.4x1.2x2.0 tents - we love tents, it's much much easier to control the environment inside, also it will definitely help control the spread of any pests and disease and provide a comfortable area to work within.

Also we'll be able to control them all
Individually and run whatever we like at whatever time in each. And so easy to set up. The main initial reason 3-4 years ago for going open room style was because we didn't have a budget for tents..

Lighting - we'll be trying out different lighting setups to see what performs best for us - we are limited with the power we can draw, so less power is better providing we get the results we need.

Don't want to give too many spoilers now - but there will be a comparison grow - double ended hps vs hps vs cmh vs led

Fans - 6inch extraction rvk high powered, passive intake,

18 plants per tent in 15 liter auto pots

Biotabs for nutrition!


This was the room a week ago, beds all gone, for the most part!


More progress!

We've stripped the room back to bare basics, all old ducting removed, partition wall removed, old electrical cable removed,
We also relocated the washing machine!


We've added a tarpaulin floor to the room (triple layered) more as a dust barrier than anything else, the floor is concreted but whenever swept it takes something off the surface and is straight nasty.
Maybe we'll make the room slippers only!


Next we're upgrading the cabling to a thicker gauge, one line for each three tents.

We'll mount sockets in all the right places and then have a 6-way contactor for each side of the room.

After that we'll get a bunch of automatic fire extinguishers to hang, and our equipment is due to ship tomorrow!

Exciting times.. Cheers guys!
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can I come live in the grow room please, I have enough money to last me 2 lifetimes and I will work really hard, heck I will pay yall to come sleep with the baby pheisto's
Haha was just thinking I don't have enuff money to last this lifetime lol
can I come live in the grow room please, I have enough money to last me 2 lifetimes and I will work really hard, heck I will pay yall to come sleep with the baby pheisto's

Sure thing, you're welcome for a staycation at the Mephisto gro-tel :D

Wow, alot of hard work going on. Looking good Mitch!

Cheers marga, are you taking the summer off?

Nice work. I wish I had that much room again it was a lot of work but a labor of love.

This is just one of the 4 rooms that we're re-jigging!

Haha was just thinking I don't have enuff money to last this lifetime lol

Me neither!

That is so nice and the space to grow is lovely good luck on all your ventures!

Thanks muchly! It's going to take some graft and luck to get everything done in one month

Good stuff Mitch... Stickied..:pass:

Cheers duggy, much appreciated as ever!

And here I thought redoing my 3X3 grow area this summer was work...

We can swap if you want :D
Sure thing, you're welcome for a staycation at the Mephisto gro-tel :D

Cheers marga, are you taking the summer off?

This is just one of the 4 rooms that we're re-jigging!

Me neither!

Thanks muchly! It's going to take some graft and luck to get everything done in one month

Cheers duggy, much appreciated as ever!

We can swap if you want :D

I am on my way!