A good Tea template

I wanted to show you WHAt a building tea looks like...when its brewing you'll have the bubbles build over the course of about a 12-24 hour period depending.but when its at its height is when(or slightly prior to its height) you want to pull some and thin or cut it and then apply with the added cal mag and powder boosts like the powdered kelp and any WP's or anything on that line,but i usually just recommend a bit of cal mag or big bloom or a simple addition or two similar to that and then feed. but you'll notice th surface of the water holding bubbles longer untill it starts its own lily pad floating kelp bed kinda thing lmfao!anywho...."AFN smoke out" and when in the right proportions it'll turn into a friggin monster ball of bubbles you can water into the pots in proportion and fold that into the soil later on after it becomes lightly crusted but not entirely dry though..:smoke:


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anf again to clarify after about 24 hours the teat will have already settled and gone calm with little or no bubbles surviving on top.untill this mark and here is where the building has to occur IF needed.this one doesnt.cuz essentially if you dont achieve these you'll build more into the tea to achieve these.and now you have a simple tea THAT WILL work super awesome over more simple systems imo.

yeah comfrey,green leaf mold all that stuff is excellent.the thing that set a rounded tea is exactly that.a rounded feed towrds the soil. a simple inoculate is excellent ofcourse,but you need varying components..why?so it takes less from your living soil and all around strentches your abaility of the soil as well as benefiting the plants in massive form.Ive used this template for prolly 4 years or more.

fresh EWC are best but a simple steeped tea is also good for similar reasons,except it puts less life into the soil is all.although it feeds it effectively,its not a aerobic as most want. OD and the like anerobic tends to be best with heavier dry soils generally speaking.
yeah just wanted to post a tea Im doing based directly off that card in the beginning of the thread.

also added the pictured items,but also added 2.5 oz of kelp liquid and a soild 1.5 TBspn of sugar in the raw as well. mixed liquids separately ,and obviously the dry...in the bag. did put a cpl small sprinkles of some endo mix and GW over the top of the water prior to turning on.

Eyes!!! .... hey my man hows it going ? hope you're good bruz. I not and won't be on here much till i get a new computer, this one drivin me nuts, saving for a new one hopefully about Sept..this old one , sooooo fkn slow ! but.... growin some great stuff lately, just wanna refine my tea's which you're helping man, cheers :-). One question I have is I' thinking I need a good fungal dominant tea to drench my pots & beds after a harvest to smash up the old root balls b4 hitting with bacteria dominant again ????? any thoughts appreciated man, cheers my bro.....