A good Tea template

Sweet bro.. I do make teas.. I use my old 60L per min DWC air pump to brew teas & bubble my tap water.. (My tap water is pretty good no chlormine (spell check that shit) but I probably will have to invest in a RO filter sometime).

I use Humboldt Myco Madness with their Honey ES.. Pretty basic really ATM but sometimes I throw some bat shit in as well.. Always get a good foam.. The the bat shit tea is a denser foam..

Ladies seem to like either.. Although the bat one only goes in twice max..
i'm really just starting to dip my toes lol..
Thankfully there's AFN & all the great members/minds we have here..

:Sharing One:
You know, I haven't used a RO yet. I collect rainwater and use that for everything and haven't been happier since I started about a year ago. When using chem nutes I always had problems using city water or distilled. Something was constantly throwing ph way out. I started collecting rain water and using that with my chem ferts and never had to ph my water again. When I swapped to organics I just kept using the rain water and have had super results. My city water was good, it came in around 55ppm but I never could get it to work properly and even buying bottled distilled water I didn't like it.
1 thing we have plenty of here is rain!! 1 water butt/rain collector req..

Lol.. It never ends when your constantly changing growing styles.. Shit guys let's smoke one.. "AFN smoke out"
I had a lot of issues with distilled as well, the pH would fluctuate bottle to bottle by a full point or more. I found a local source of RO that tested TDS monthly though, and finally installed an RO at the house over the holiday. Best money I've spent in a long time.
Yeah... A RO filter is coming this way I reckon medi...

I've been blowing chunks since yesterday morn 06:30 fellas.. Not good...
My '2.7kg of Dried Blood' landed though :firedevil:

Theres another product I'm looking at guys.. It's cricket manure NPK 2-2-2..
That's basically insect frass isn't it?
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for the most part yes, it might run slightly hotter as a more trace heavy compound but itll do excellent and just take it easy on it at first.lemme know how ya like it?! I bet thats some noisy farming of that stuff too Chirp for months DAMN!! LMFAO!!"AFN smoke out"
I had a lot of issues with distilled as well, the pH would fluctuate bottle to bottle by a full point or more. I found a local source of RO that tested TDS monthly though, and finally installed an RO at the house over the holiday. Best money I've spent in a long time.

Medi, pH electrodes will not give accurate pH values in distilled or deionized water. This is because distilled and deionized water do not have enough ions present for the electrode to function properly. The readings will drift and be essentially meaningless. If left open though, co2 will enter the water and make it more acidic. However, straight out of a unopened bottle, distilled water if processed properly, will always be 7. Have used it for 5 years in synthetics and organics with absolutely no issue :check:

Frass refers loosely to the more or less solid excreta of insects, and to certain other related matter

The back and forth relationship of plant defense and herbivore offense can be seen as a sort of "adaptation dance" in which one partner makes a move and the other counters it.[SUP][38][/SUP] This reciprocal change drives coevolution between many plants and herbivores, resulting in what has been referred to as a "coevolutionary arms race".[SUP][42][/SUP] The escape and radiation mechanisms for coevolution, presents the idea that adaptations in herbivores and their host plants, has been the driving force behind speciation.[SUP][43][/SUP][SUP][44][/SUP]
While much of the interaction of herbivory and plant defense is negative, with one individual reducing the fitness of the other, some is actually beneficial. This beneficial herbivory takes the form of mutualisms in which both partners benefit in some way from the interaction. Seed dispersal by herbivores and pollination are two forms of mutualistic herbivory in which the herbivore receives a food resource and the plant is aided in reproduction.


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