A dedicated platform to offer your varietals

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Hi @Gregothegreat and everyone,

Our terms of use are clear, we don't condone international shipping because it puts all parties at risk, whether we like it or not :(
We are currently working hard on a major upgrade of Strainly in the first half of 2019. At such time, there will be a more powerful location search feature. At the moment, you can use the map view to deal only with Canadian members (or members in your province/state). We plan to really improve that, among other things... stay tuned...

That said, we heard crazy stories about future LPs trying to procure seeds from other LPs. When you're told $1,000 for one seed, something is broken somewhere. If we can address that issue in a legal Canada, we'd be stoked!
Just at ur site and posted a variety gorilla time, or should I call it glue time, any way I'm a newby to Strainly, well see what responses I get, I have a few more to post. I look forward to changes you make. Was thinking maybe even if you could put a country of origin so it shows up on your variety ad something to go by to speed the process if your perusing the variety providers. I know I'm keenly interested I'd love to trade and buy at reasonable prices without big brother looking over my shoulder or worse yet taking a cut of my meager take.
To my knowledge there are 2 Canadian listings on ur site, but why is it that when I pm other members it takes days and I still get no response. You'd think if someone posts on strainly they'd be interested in inquiries and reply. Is there something I'm not doing right or do I have to pay.
To my knowledge there are 2 Canadian listings on ur site, but why is it that when I pm other members it takes days and I still get no response. You'd think if someone posts on strainly they'd be interested in inquiries and reply. Is there something I'm not doing right or do I have to pay.

There actually are a few dozens listings in Canada.
Hi everyone,

This is WHAT Strainly is about, HOW it works and WHY we do it. We're based in Montreal but the majority of our members is in the US.

We've been operating for 2 years and have been recognized for offering a safe platform for preservationists, breeders, growers, seed banks and patients to connect and hunt fine genetics.

We recently discussed the opportunity to allow breeders of AFN to use our platform to safely propose their propagation materials.

It is free to create your account. You can build your profile quickly, and start posting your packs immediately. You will then start receiving requests and getting reviews.
I love the idea but you say only legal home growers can participate? So I assume you have every state where it is not legal to grow blocked out from using your site?
I love the idea but you say only legal home growers can participate? So I assume you have every state where it is not legal to grow blocked out from using your site?
Wow it's at ur own discretion to germ seeds or not, they welcome all, and bean or gifts donate is between u and the other person they just so happen to offer a great safe place for minds alike to share genetic shop talk and etc. Kinda read between lines.
Wow it's at ur own discretion to germ seeds or not, they welcome all, and bean or gifts donate is between u and the other person they just so happen to offer a great safe place for minds alike to share genetic shop talk and etc. Kinda read between lines.

They seem pretty clear in the statement:

Strainly allows licensed marijuana producers or providers and legal home-growers to participate.

Not sure what you mean by it’s up to me to germ seeds. I was more on the lines of creating seed and making them available on there. I’m an illegal grower and breeder and I make many more seeds than I can use in multiple lifetimes, so usually give them away to other amateur breeders and medical groups that I belong to on various social media. I would like to be able to trade or even giveaway seeds on Strainly, but according to their rules that is not possible.

Added for some clarification:

I think what they are doing is great and will aide many people now and in the future. Seems like they really don’t want to screw up the community by supporting illegal activities and I have to support them in that goal.

Interesting read on their blog. They really stress the importance of staying legal not just for you but the safety of the community. Plus when you post a strain you are supposed to include at least your zip code and while I realize I could easily lie, how does that make me a trustworthy member of the community? Don’t get me wrong, I’m probably going to purchase some genetics from there, but most likely won’t be listing any of mine there until my state is legal to grow.
Heck, I’ve waited 50 years for legalization, what’s a couple more years? :pass:
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