Lighting A Couple Cobshop Cobs and a couple Mephistos

Hi everyone. Here's the final photos of my Hubbabubbasmelloscope. It went 78 days under a single 3500k autocob. It was in a 3 gallon equivalent super roots air pot. The yield on this is going to be pretty impressive when it dries for a tall plant and no training. I'll post dry yield photos in about a week.

Thanks for
Hey Marga ! Just wondering if you could give me some insight and opinion on COBs.

What kinds of yeilds are you seeing with them and how many do you think it takes to optimize say a 4x4 area?

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Hey Marga ! Just wondering if you could give me some insight and opinion on COBs.

What kinds of yeilds are you seeing with them and how many do you think it takes to optimize say a 4x4 area?

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I can only speak to this Hubbabubba plant. It’s the first plant I’ve grown under an autocob for the whole grow. I also grew a Forum Stomper but it was under an autocob the second half of it’s life. These two plants did well and I had no trouble at all. I’ll have a yield on the Hubba in about a week and I’ll post it and tag you here. I’d ask BigSmo about how many cobs in a 4x4. I’d guess about 6-8.
Hey Marga ! Just wondering if you could give me some insight and opinion on COBs.

What kinds of yeilds are you seeing with them and how many do you think it takes to optimize say a 4x4 area?

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Most are going with 4-6 cobs. Personally I run just 4 in the space.
Here's the final dry yield result for my Hubbabubbasmelloscope grown under a single 3500k Autocob. It went 78 days and dry yield was 125 grams or 4.40 ounces. Hubba is generally a high yielder, but grown under 60 watts of light is outstanding. @max187, I said I'd tag you to see the yield.

Thanks for looking everyone, this pretty much wraps this thread up.