Outdoor 7 plants flowering - how long until harvest?

Jan 6, 2015
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Hello there.

I have 7 plants growing outdoors, now flowering and I would like your opinion on how long you think they have until they are ready to harvest, if I had to guess I would say 4 weeks maybe?

The plants are 3 Buddha Deimos, 2 Dinafem White Widow XXL, 1 Pyramid New York and 1 Pyramid Tutankhamon
Here are pictures of them:
Deimos 1 - 60 days old - 31 inches
Cogollo Deimos a dia 60.jpg

Deimos 2 - 60 days old - 31 inches
Cogollo Deimos b dia 60.jpg

Deimos 3 - 60 days old - 22 inches
Cogollo Deimos c dia 60.jpg

White Widow XXL 1 - 55 days old - 42 inches
Cogollo White Widow XXL a dia 55.jpg

White Widow XXL 2 - 55 days old - 35 inches
Cogollo White Widow XXL b dia 55.jpg

New York - 50 days old - 36 inches
Cogollo NY - TTK dia 50b.jpg

Tutankhamon - 50 days old - 23 inches
Cogollo NY - TTK dia 52a.jpg
First of all...wow awesome plants!! Those are some solid heights!! 42" AWW XXL? Sweet!! Now I am super happy I chose that strain for my outdoor grow this summer!! A friend of mine grew out the Tut from Pyramid seeds(the photo though) and gave me a half ounce and I have been smoking it....solid smoke for sure.
I would say at least 4 weeks on those plants overall.
What he said you can see them start to take shape but I like to see the calyx swell
First of all...wow awesome plants!! Those are some solid heights!! 42" AWW XXL? Sweet!! Now I am super happy I chose that strain for my outdoor grow this summer!! A friend of mine grew out the Tut from Pyramid seeds(the photo though) and gave me a half ounce and I have been smoking it....solid smoke for sure.
I would say at least 4 weeks on those plants overall.
Just in case you are interested GreenSkell, the WW-XXL seems to have finally stopped stretching and their current heights are 46" and 38" at 62 days, now that the preflower - stretch stage seems to be over the flowers should start developing buds more heavily,
Just in case you are interested GreenSkell, the WW-XXL seems to have finally stopped stretching and their current heights are 46" and 38" at 62 days, now that the preflower - stretch stage seems to be over the flowers should start developing buds more heavily,

Very nice!! Hows the buds forming...getting some smells yet? Interesting how they all seem to be taking quite a bit longer to get into flower. I've read quite a bit about that outdoors, but here I find they usually finish very close to quoted finish times overall. Do any of your plants look like they may finish close to breeders quoted times?
The smell is still subtle. About the finishing times... not even close, at average I would say that they will finish 3 weeks later than what the seed banks says, although I expected that from what I've read from some grow journals involving some of this large autos.
This is how they look like now.

Deimos 1@65 days
Cogollo Deimos a dia 65.jpg

White Widow XXL 1@60 days
Cogollo White Widow XXL a dia 60.jpg

New York@55 days
Cogollo NY - TTK dia 55b.jpg

Tutankhamon@55 days
Cogollo NY - TTK dia 57a.jpg
It's been 10 days, and this is how they look. I flushed them yesterday, 10 to 14 days to go I believe, except the White Widows XXL which looks like they are still 3 weeks to go until harvest

Deimos 1@75 days
Cogollo Deimos a dia 75.jpg

White Widow XXL 1@70 days
Cogollo White Widow XXL a dia 70.jpg

New York@65 days
Cogollo NY - TTK dia 65b.jpg

Tutankhamon@65 days
Cogollo NY - TTK dia 67a.jpg
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This is soooo interesting...its like the plants refuse to flower a bit and get huge...I had a single experience with a barneys farm auto blue mammoth 2 summer ago...a 60 day quoted finish, but mine went 105 days and had a 54" main stalk...it was like it was stuck in early preflower for weeks, almost like the lengthening daylight hours stopped it from getting into flower. Last year of the 4 DP and one privately bred autos strains only the 2 DP Autoultimate I grew(both 100 days) went past the quoted finish times. DP's Colorado Cookies, Brooklyn Sunrise and Daiquiri lime all were perfect to quoted harvest times. How many hours of direct sun are these plants getting? It still looks like they have more than 10-14 days left in them. What is the ratio of coloured hairs?
I took pictures every 5 days, so I can tell you that what took longer was for the stretch to start, usually autos have 3 weeks of seedling stage, 3 weeks of stretch / preflower, 3 weeks of flowering and 2 final weeks were the buds gain most weight. This time the stretch started 3 weeks later (around day 40), the plants had 3 aditional weeks of vegetative growth after the seedling stage, which is unusual in autoflowers.
I decided to harvest them early, 5 days after those last pictures because I had an unusual weather with high humidity (over 90%) and low temperatures for several days, and i detected a the presence of bud rot, so decided to cut my losses. Fortunately it was only 1 plant affected.

This are the last pictures I took before taking the down

This is 1 of the Deimos@
Cogollo Deimos a dia 80.jpg

This are the White Widows XXL
Cogollo White Widow XXL a dia 75.jpg

Cogollo White Widow XXL b dia 75.jpg
Ouch 90%rh is rough for sure, especially when coupled with low temps! Which plant was the victim of rot? Tut?