Everything is well into the flowering stretch (except the Ghost Toof, which is 10 days younger, but still nearly the same height). They are taller than the isolation bin, which is about 18" / 46 cm tall on its side. The male would be considerably taller than the bin, it's trained to spread sideways but getting increasingly jumbled.
It's also quite crowded, of course. In a different season I'd be worried about mold, but it's still rarely over 30% RH in the tent, and the tall thin sativa growth has plenty of airflow.
There will be a lot more space once the trays are permanently apart. That's just with the bin out, with the exhaust fan's power cord visible.
The male is releasing plenty of pollen now. I will probably be done collecting and cull it in few days, then remove the bin and reclaim that space. (That's pollen on the leaf, not white powdery mildew.)
Every other day I gather it, mix it with dried out flour (roughly 1 part pollen to 1-2 parts flour), and then either use it or pack it up with desiccant and freeze it. I've had good luck using frozen pollen on later grows, so I might as well save more while I can.
I did a pass pollinating ZE2, ZE3, NHR, and APP1 (the others aren't ready yet): I pick a lower branch, mark it with a zip tie, put some pollen/flour mixture on a small brush, and then brush it onto clusters of stigmas, or just drop it on them inside the bag. (Again, that's pollen, not white powdery mildew.) The plant goes back in the tent for an hour or two, then comes out, I mist inside the bag to deactivate any stray pollen, then remove the bag and return them to the tent.
Not pictured here, but I usually tuck the ziplock bag in-between other branches for support, because sometimes the bags are too heavy for small side branches.
The brush I'm using says "e.l.f. concealer brush". It has a small, fine point, and the dark bristles contrast well with white/yellow pollen. I think it was like $2, it's nothing particularly special.
Here's ZE2 outside the tent, about 19" tall. The stigmas on the left branch are no longer sticking up, I pollinated them on Friday (and again while taking these pictures), they've served their purpose, now they can wither away. That branch will get another pass or two, hopefully I can get at least 100 seeds off it. I also did another small side branch, and the bagged branch in front with the purple zip tie just got some Anvil pollen (frozen, from a previous batch, hopefully still viable, and did I mention I like Anvil?

While examining all the plants outside the tent, I noticed four very small pollen sacks on ZE3, all fairly low in the plant. Two had opened, so I might have a few stray seeds. I'm going to continue checking ZE3 every couple days; if there are any more I will probably remove it. Otherwise, I don't plan on pollinating it further, but if it has massively better terps or effects I may still keep the seeds and try to select that out later.
Here's the Neville's Haze Ryder outside the tent, to show the growth since a week ago. I just sprayed it and removed a bag from a branch with Anvil pollen (purple zip tie).
I took those pictures yesterday morning. Last night I decided to cull the second Power Plant, since it still had malformed leaves, wasn't really growing stigmas, the first was doing much better, and I'd rather the Hubbabubba Haze and NHR have extra space.
Another picture, after removing APP2 and spacing the tray out better. Ghost Toof in back, Auto Power Plant 1 in the middle, Neville's Haze Ryder in front. I think when I do solo cups SOGs I'll try to stick to flowering 6 plants, not 8. There's still 4 in the left tray, but if ZE3 grows any more pollen sacks, it's gone too.
The GT is getting some big fan leaves. It's already nearly as tall as the others, and while it's shown sex it hasn't started flowering yet. I may need to train it to not stretch massively taller than the others.
The Hubbabubba Haze is the smallest of the group, not because it's stunted but just because it's been pushed in the corner and the ZEs have crowded it out. I'm going to try to train it to use some of the space freed up by removing APP2. It's a bit sprawling and branchy, equally tall but not as filled in as the others.