Day 31
Temerpature | Humidity:
75F-80F | 30%
(Ignore temperature/humidity on thermometer in video as the reading is off)
Five of the six plants were watered with a gallon of plain pH'd water between 6.0-6.5 - GSC was not watered.
None of my newly planted seeds have sprouted yet but I don't expect them to until about 5-7 days, anything before that is a surprise!
Trained the plants yesterday as you will be able to see from the video below. They seemed to have taken it well, just pulled the branches to the sides. My hope is that it will cause more growth underneath, not sure if it's gonna happen though.
LSD-25 has purple stems is that a trait of the strain or a problem on my end? @FastBuds
Didn't give them nutrients this time because I am going to try a feed, feed, plain water schedule. Would it hurt if I added a little bit of molasses on the plain watering days?
Other than those things above not a whole lot is going on, just growing. Today was the first day where I was happy with my babies. I hope I can keep the yellowing troubles I've had in the past to a minimum. I know some of my plants do have yellowing on the bottom but I tried to combat that with nutrients as soon as I noticed it began.
Hope you guys following are enjoying the journal I am keeping here, I hope I update enough to keep you all interested! Thank you to those who are following this grow, and thank you to those to stopped by to have a peak or two as well.