New Grower 5x5 Tent, 1000w HPS, 9 Plants (Mephisto)

With super soil it needs to biologically active, the more active the better. After checking the pH and figuring out the problem, I would make a mixture of worm castings, some form of calcium, and a form of nitrogen.

For the casting I would use enough to make about a 1-2" layer, for calcium I would suggest either >>PULVERIZED<< dolomite lime or oyster flour, and nitrogen can be a plethora of things but an alfalfa and kelp mix would be ideal/easy.

This would help with microbe population, provide calcium while buffering pH, and give some essential elements/nutrients for growth.
With super soil it needs to biologically active, the more active the better. After checking the pH and figuring out the problem, I would make a mixture of worm castings, some form of calcium, and a form of nitrogen.

For the casting I would use enough to make about a 1-2" layer, for calcium I would suggest either >>PULVERIZED<< dolomite lime or oyster flour, and nitrogen can be a plethora of things but an alfalfa and kelp mix would be ideal/easy.

This would help with microbe population, provide calcium while buffering pH, and give some essential elements/nutrients for growth.
So this mix would for preventing any future cal-mag issues? Or just to get the soil more biologically active once I do fix the cal-mag issues?
This is a bit off subject, but with organics it's all about having a happy soil. If one of my plants die it sucks, but if I lost my soil I would be devastated.

Have a look at the ground cover link in my signature. They can provide a LOT of benefits for all gardeners, but really shine for us organic soil guys, especially super soil guys. It would help regulate your soil/root zone including microbe population which in return help regulate EVERYTHING.