New Grower 500w Dinafem-G13 labs-Dutch Passion Party Cup Auto Grow

how long do you think a 11 litre pot will last mate how many weeks approx does anyone know theres around 6-8 weeks left on my autos probs 8 and then ill switch to flower with the training day do you think i should repot before switching or will the 11 litre last the full run on the training day
no advice this thread seems dead or is it in wrong section
I will last but will retard your plant. Up to you. Youll get a bigger plant if you re pot.
And hello my fellow photo grower. Nice strain. Post a pic!
NEED HELP....these are just not growing very fast as they would under hps i might be wrong but what do u think

chill brother, its not the light. If they are too wet, it will slow them down. They dont even have their 2nd or 3rd. node yet. When the get the 2nd-3rd. node, they will take off pretty fast with having more foliage for synthesis. I would up pot them. The problem with small containers and cups, is that the tap root can hit the bottom and slow em down pretty fast.
th middle pic is the party cup grow mate the other 1 is 11 litre pot
Bro, they look healthy to me, nice and green, no deficiency, no drooping. Let them do their thing-hold off on the water if you have been watering a bit. The LED is NOT the problem I'll tell you that for sure...plants are plants, they do what they do when they are ready...I'd be stoked if I was you! Off to a great start, back off and see what happens...if they were all twisted and fkd up or yellow or drooping then worry yes of course but they look great?!
nice1 dazed first time of using the leds so just looking at every detail and over analsing things luckily theres a fellow uker with abit more sense.time for a reef
Bro I've been there and chopped plants you wouldn't believe through being hasty and pissed off...flowering plants lol. What's the worst case, you wait another week or so and see what happens, but I bet you they get their spurt on soon enough buddy. Enjoy your reef and be proud how good the young ones look!

Karma bro,