New Grower 500w Dinafem-G13 labs-Dutch Passion Party Cup Auto Grow

Awesome bro, they are really coming along now! Damn, remember when you were going to cut them down?! On for a win now buddy,

nice1 guys hoping on the next run everything will be dialled in proper
Im all caught up now ufreak sorry about the delay. Some great strains you have there and your doing very well. Subbed up man.
nice one grim reefer heres a new update ill put update on every water there getting alot bigger now im guessing around 6-8 weeks left at what im seeing

Beautiful mate! They all look great, and they are all a nice uniform height. Very pretty! :stylez rasta smoke:
nice1 guys hoping for not to much stretch but think i might not get that wish think they will stretch quite alot at there current rate