Indoor 5 weeks, no bloom

You make the growing look like a piece of piss. (English joke btw lol)

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You make the growing look like a piece of piss. (English joke btw lol)

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Thanks mate(never heard that phrase so I had to google it) ;)
They have in fact taken a piss(10%) every Sunday so they get enough Nitrogen, and one banana peel each for Potassium, need to figure out how to add bone meal for the Phosphorus.
I know I should have blended the bone meal in the soil when transplanting but I didn't have any bone meal by that time. I'm considering to make a bokashi/bone meal mix, making the acid bokashi juice break down the bone meal and then dilute the juice in water and add it into the pot.
Hey, this is my first year growing, I do a lot of mistakes. It's my second indoor grow and third grow overall, I'm learning by doing :)
Maybe you could boil bones? Chicken shit has the lot too.

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Thanks for your feedback.
I know the pots are small, I usually use 3 gallon buckets but it's the first grow in the new tent and it's limited space :/
I am growing for seeds this time so it's not very important to get a big yield other than enough seeds for the future grows :)
But small pots, isn't it like a small pot will make the plant bloom earlier because of root bound compared to a similar plant in a larger pot?
The topping didn't really stunt the plants, new top branches were made quickly and are now longer than the stem under the cut.
Grow light, yes it's far from ideal but the plants are growing and the tent are already 90F, how would it have been with even stronger lamps?
I will set up a fan as soon as they start to show their sex but I want to see how long it can go before they start to bloom in this temperature and wit the light on 24/7.
Can the combination of high temperature and lights 24/7 be the reason? In that case it might be used active to prevent autos to bloom too early to make larger plants and yields?
I will take pictures, I just haven't understood how to post them, will as about that in another section, thanks again :)

Plants will grow with low lighting, and that's any plant, but not enough light will stunt development.

Too high temps, development stunted.

Pots too small, rootbound, plant can't get the nutrients it needs, development gets stunted.

Autos don't really care about 24 hour light because of the Ruderalis, but sometimes they need things switched to 12/12 to give flowering a kickstart.
Plants will grow with low lighting, and that's any plant, but not enough light will stunt development.

Too high temps, development stunted.

Pots too small, rootbound, plant can't get the nutrients it needs, development gets stunted.

Autos don't really care about 24 hour light because of the Ruderalis, but sometimes they need things switched to 12/12 to give flowering a kickstart.
Thanks for the reply :)
First I have to correct myself as I just figured out the LED lamps have 64w actual wattage.
(Not sure why they showed only 32w first time I measured them, can they show different consume cold vs warm?)
I will now wait util they are 6 weeks before I adjust anything, if they havent bloomed up to then I take the girls out of the tent and let them get some colder temps and dark nights.
I’m not really sorry for autos having the ability to stay in veg for some weeks longer, it’s just a benefit in my view :)
Planning to give them a 3 gallon bucket as soon the soil dry up a bit, but then I guess I need to do some topping again because I only have a 90cm tent.
Whenever they bloom I start the new fan to cool down the tent and set up a third lamp so they get one lamp each(2 lamps for the girls and 1 lamp to share for the boys) ;)
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