Sweet Seeds 4d-Rock's Black Cream Autos


Cultivators Club
Sep 6, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Seedstocker Purple Punch, Silver Lime Haze CBD, BCN Critical
Hey all!

I’m back with a new Grow. I had just finished a Sweet Nurse Auto (link in sig) and am going to try my hand at a couple of Black Cream Autos. Thanks to Sweet Seeds for their freebies they sent as well. They had sent me a +Speed which went well enough but due to the site being down during that time I didn't end up posting my journal. I may still do a summary post but this journal should suffice in replacement.

My last few have all produced well enough but I feel like I’m always combating deficiencies or slow/stunted growth. I’m getting better with my watering, keeping track of pH, and recognizing issues. I just need to get in a good rhythm with my feedings because I feel like I’m either underfeeding, or over feeding creating lockout.

The last grow I did end up getting more deficiencies/lockout and it could have been due to going way too slow on the nutrients, or possibly wrong pH. I'm going to keep my nutrients a bit higher this time around unless the plants start burning and also try a lower pH of 5.8-6 based on recommendations of the manufacturer of the medium. Addition to this I'm trying both a 2 and 3 gallon pot to get a feeling for potential differences. I've mostly used 2 gallons up til now so it'll be interesting.

If anyone wants to chime in to help me out I'd appreciate it.


2’x3’x4.5’ tent
Veg/Flower Lights: 2x DIY 55W COBs (CLU048-1212 3500K). Will be adding a 135W HLG QB288 for later veg/flowering, Run at 20/4 schedule
Strain: 2x Black Cream Auto
Grow Medium: Pro-mix HP, extra 1TBSP dolomitic lime in each pot
Nutrients: Megacrop, Sweet Candy, Bud Explosion, CaliMagic if needed
Pot Size: One 2 gallon and one 3 gallon fabric pot
Ventilation: 4” Variable speed 190CFM inline exhaust fan with Carbon Filter, passive intake, 6” fan and a few 120mm pc fans inside tent
Environment: Approx 24C/60%
Water Source: My tap water comes from the lake I live near, which is then put through a charcoal and UV filter. This runs at about 7pH (fluctuates a bit depending on time of year) and 60-70ppm. I have an Apera PH60 meter and a cheap ppm meter to keep tabs on things

Both seeds soaked in a coffee cup for 24 hours with water and a dash of hydrogen peroxide, with the cups sitting on the router for warmth. Afterwards, they were transferred to paper towel in Ziploc bags and back on the router for another 24 hours.

They were planted directly into the soils. The past few I've done in “easy transplant” solo cups where I’ve cut holes on the inner cup and have an outer cup with drainage holes to keep the soil in. It seemed to have worked well but with results not quite meeting expectation I thought I'd go back to basics of direct planting. The Pro-mix HP was presoaked with 2g/gal MegaCrop and 1g/gal Sweet candy and left for a day in the tent before the seeds went in.

It wasn’t long before they popped their little heads above surface.

Day 1

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Can’t wait to see this mega crop plus cob/ quantum’s. Sounds like a good set up! I would probably start using cal mag right away. Never used a light mix I go coco so I’m not 100% sure on that tbh. I know my first fire I didn’t have my ro set up so I didn’t have calmag issues due to the tap water I have. My next one I could tell it was def needed from the start. Mega crop is great just keep an eye on the green if it’s light boost it up I had some issues underfeeding at 1st with it.
Can’t wait to see this mega crop plus cob/ quantum’s. Sounds like a good set up! I would probably start using cal mag right away. Never used a light mix I go coco so I’m not 100% sure on that tbh. I know my first fire I didn’t have my ro set up so I didn’t have calmag issues due to the tap water I have. My next one I could tell it was def needed from the start. Mega crop is great just keep an eye on the green if it’s light boost it up I had some issues underfeeding at 1st with it.

Thanks for checking the grow out!
I have had Cal/Mag issues in the past, however, since adding a bit of extra Dolomitic Lime in the pots and using Sweet Candy that hasn't really been a problem. I will keep an eye on it and start adding if there is any indication of need. Will try to keep a good feeding of Megacrop and hopefully it'll be smooth sailing.
So I had them starting in the back of the tent while I had my other two finishing. I figured it would be ok with the strength of the COBs and being relatively high and not directly underneath. Though what I found is that it may not have been enough as they became more leggy than I'd like.

Day 2
Day 2-1.png

Day 2-2.png

By Day 4 the other plants had been harvested and the space was cleared for these. I put them both under one COB to start and set it to about 28". Also watered a bit around the drip line, no nutes at this point.

Day 4.jpg

By day 7 I ended up adding the second COB so I could have one over each. I set them at 24" (~20k lux) which was to hopefully offset the stretch. I had to use some mini stakes to stabilize them so they don't fall over. A few small waterings to keep things moist over the past days.

Day 7.png

Day 8 was the first feeding, mixed up 2L w 1g/gallon each of Sweet Candy and MegaCrop, 330ppm/6.0pH. Each pot got 1L.

Another feed at Day 11 with the same strength as above. I ended up moving the lights back up to 28" because there was some weird twisting of the leaves. Environment is still good at ~24C/60% so thought might be light related or just a genetics thing.
Day 11.png

I moved the lights up to 30" on day 12 due to further twisting. That's about 18k Lux, and after reading other COB users threads, some stay around this height and let them grow up into it.

Another feed on day 14 and the first where I watered til runoff. Wasn't sure if it was early but I thought maybe some of the slower growth maybe due to being a bit light on watering.
Mixed up w 1g/gal Sweet Candy and 2g/gal Mega Crop, ~460ppm/5.9pH
The 2gal pot received 2L, 3gal got 3L.

Day 14.png

The new fan leaves don't seem to have any twist to them yet so that's good. The stems are also getting stronger to support itself. I don't think I'm going to top these ones this time around, but I'll probably start on some LST soon. Just have to plan how I'd like to do it.
so far so good :thumbsup: with a leggy seedling i just put a handfull of soil round the stem :pass:
have a had a couple of seedlings/young plants that had that slighly rippled effect to them.a week or so on and it grew out of it :smokeit:
hints and tips.........it just takes a bit of practice,half a dozen grows under yer belt,things will click/fall into place/ya be doing things without having to think about it :paleo:
i put the lights as high as they can go,and just let the plants grow.or set a plant on a box :baked:
keep on with the updates :photog:
any quieries :shrug:fire us some @'s :pass:
good luck n keep er lit
so far so good :thumbsup: with a leggy seedling i just put a handfull of soil round the stem :pass:
have a had a couple of seedlings/young plants that had that slighly rippled effect to them.a week or so on and it grew out of it :smokeit:
hints and tips.........it just takes a bit of practice,half a dozen grows under yer belt,things will click/fall into place/ya be doing things without having to think about it :paleo:
i put the lights as high as they can go,and just let the plants grow.or set a plant on a box :baked:
keep on with the updates :photog:
any quieries :shrug:fire us some @'s :pass:
good luck n keep er lit
I did end up adding some soil up to brace the stem. It’s getting pretty stiff now so I’m not worried. Though it’s getting to the point where I won’t be able to fold over for LST. Might still consider topping...we’ll see.

Also, I’ve got the lights almost to the top, I’ll bring em up the last bit though. We’ll see how tall these ones get.

Thanks for stopping by and I’ll ask more questions as I go I’m sure!

I would be closer to 5.8 than 6, but that is a proper range for pro mix. If you get 1 thing spot on let it be your ph.

Cool, thanks. I’ve got a decent ph meter and check all my water and feed going in. I wondered though, Cal/mag usually is uptaken at higher pH in soils. Is going this low an issue for uptake for Promix?
im not sure of the science behind it.but dwc/coco growers traditionaly use more cal/mag than soil growers.lower ph range but using more cal/mag kinda evens itself out.
good luck n keep er lit