New Grower 425w cfl coco grow FastBuds GSC!!

Update coming in next hour after school run kids stressing me out!!! ;)
Happy Friday people!

Week 4 update on fastbuds GSC:

Still on veg feeding cal/mag 1ml per litre and base nutes 6ml a+b combined ph'ed to 5.9 fed every 2 days with plenty run off. All feed is air bubbled in reservoir and hand watered with plenty run off. She's stretching daily so just waiting for her to finish then hit her with some bloom nutes. She's getting smelly as well but not an issue only makes my attic smell.
She should have a nice amount of red spectrum when my new big cfl arrives. Around 500w of red and 150w of blue.
My smaller blue cfl will be transfered into my veg box so we can get some perpetual growing going on lol

Well here's some picks. Hope she pleases.

9 point fan leaf [HASHTAG]#sexy[/HASHTAG]

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Also here are some pics of my NON auto kush plant.
I topped her for the second time last week and did some lst . she is bouncing back and still going in this milk bottle wrapped in foil hahaha I love her though even though I treat her like a whore haha
She's same age as the auto and will be going into 12/12 when I've harvested ;)
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Back at you Kief, and subbed in. Your GSC is looking great, ahead of mine, so clearly you've got the touch. Curious, what are you doing about temperature and humidity? Do you track it? If so what are your average numbers, and if you manage it with equipment, what are you using?
Back at you Kief, and subbed in. Your GSC is looking great, ahead of mine, so clearly you've got the touch. Curious, what are you doing about temperature and humidity? Do you track it? If so what are your average numbers, and if you manage it with equipment, what are you using?
Many thanks, she is doing all the work here lol I do track heat and humidity my friend, you might see my meter in one of the pics above.
My humidity never rose above 45% during the whole grow, it used to bother me especially in the first 2 weeks, so I used to go up and mist them with phed water every couple of hours or so, I tried pans of water etc but there really is no need. The misting really helped.
As for temps they swing from 30c down to like 19c lol that was during a few cold nights. I think I've got it steadyish at around 25c that's with a 6" fan blowing above the canopy at the lights and my tent is open with a heater fan (set on cold) blowing cool air in. Just brainstorming along the way my friend.
At first I had tent closed with one fan in and one fan out blowing through an intake hole but since the change around in happy.
All I hope is the humidity doesn't rise in flower because I have no idea how to get it down!!!
Upgrade has arrived :worship:

This 2700k should go nicely next to my 300w dual. And now I can set up my veg box so my photo kush has a home!!! Hooray!
Many thanks, she is doing all the work here lol I do track heat and humidity my friend, you might see my meter in one of the pics above.
My humidity never rose above 45% during the whole grow, it used to bother me especially in the first 2 weeks, so I used to go up and mist them with phed water every couple of hours or so, I tried pans of water etc but there really is no need. The misting really helped.
As for temps they swing from 30c down to like 19c lol that was during a few cold nights. I think I've got it steadyish at around 25c that's with a 6" fan blowing above the canopy at the lights and my tent is open with a heater fan (set on cold) blowing cool air in. Just brainstorming along the way my friend.
At first I had tent closed with one fan in and one fan out blowing through an intake hole but since the change around in happy.
All I hope is the humidity doesn't rise in flower because I have no idea how to get it down!!!
Ah, right, I forgot about seeing the meter in your photos. Your temp range is real nice, especially since you don't have to do much. I've had to invest in heat lamps to get mine into those ranges.

If you're worried about humidity later in the grow, think about an extraction/exhaust fan. At the moment, I run mine just five minutes every two hours during lights on. But when that sucker runs, my temp immediately drops 5 degrees celsius and my humidity drops about 14 percentage points - although both recover pretty quick once the exhaust fan stops. So I don't think I'll need a dehumidifier, I'll just be able to run the exhaust fan more often.
Ah, right, I forgot about seeing the meter in your photos. Your temp range is real nice, especially since you don't have to do much. I've had to invest in heat lamps to get mine into those ranges.

If you're worried about humidity later in the grow, think about an extraction/exhaust fan. At the moment, I run mine just five minutes every two hours during lights on. But when that sucker runs, my temp immediately drops 5 degrees celsius and my humidity drops about 14 percentage points - although both recover pretty quick once the exhaust fan stops. So I don't think I'll need a dehumidifier, I'll just be able to run the exhaust fan more often.

Hey thanks for the tip I've got an exhaust/extractor kit in the mail on its way, but I think I'll be running it 24/7. Is that's not good? Its mainly to help with the smell lol never thought about having it on intervals though. What's your theory on them?
I should change the name of this thread to 640w cfl grow lol
Man, good growing so far, real stoked things are going good.