New Grower 425w cfl coco grow FastBuds GSC!!

Anybody voting on topping or no topping?? Preferably someone who's grown GSC before but any opinions welcome ....
Beautiful ladies you have here! They look healthy and pushing up! All the advices we've read here are so true! Thanks for sharing the knowledge. Welcome to AFN, @Kiefshagger. You're on the right path now! I guess masters @Hansbricks and @The Elvis can tell you what about topping this strain. They know this strain very well! We don't suggest any topping, just LST, but they are masters and you should trust them ;)
Thanks for starting this thread. We'll be around :D
Enjoy growing faster!
Beautiful ladies you have here! They look healthy and pushing up! All the advices we've read here are so true! Thanks for sharing the knowledge. Welcome to AFN, @Kiefshagger. You're on the right path now! I guess masters @Hansbricks and @The Elvis can tell you what about topping this strain. They know this strain very well! We don't suggest any topping, just LST, but they are masters and you should trust them ;)
Thanks for starting this thread. We'll be around :D
Enjoy growing faster!

Thanks for the feedback, I decided NOT to top, I think lst would be good as I've got a lot of time for it.
Oh BTW ignore the smaller plant that Is not the gsc.

She is still going strong and growing out in all directions at a nice pace and the leaves tips pointed down hasn't spread and looks to be backing off so I'm happy so far so good.
Great that the breeder takes interest in their strains.
I don't really see anything in your pics that suggests a nitrogen surplus.. you've got a really beautiful light green color. Once it starts getting conifer-green, then, eventually they'll claw. The main 6/7ths of the leaf will appear normal, then a rapid, rounded curve downward on the last 1/7th of the leaf. It's really noticeable.

Thanks pal I ended up snipping the first two leaves on the first node as they were a darker green like you said. The plant perked right up after a combination of that and a RTW feed with a revised dose of base nutes and cal/mag.
As of this morning she was begging for a feed again so she's been watered again with run off. She seemed to do a stretch last night I'm thinking she's trying to get light to all the new side branch sites.
She's grown the width of the pot and the fan leaves are growing fat so from here, I'm seeing a balance of sativa and indica due to leaf shape and its late stretch last night. OG kush mabey the stronger gene??? Beautiful plant so far.
Gooood morning AFN!! Well here I am at week three from sprout today!
She was watered heavily yesterday, almost a flush as in growing in coco. Same feed as mentioned last week as I think I'm hitting the sweet spot, no tip burn no yellowing, all nice and healthy green!
I have not performed any LST, however I have been tucking and turning daily as its showing lots of shoots with tops so trying to get the most light I can to them. I personally think its helping but be the judge of that yourself ;)
Also I have tried to take best photos possible but I think pre-flowering has started. Please could I get a confirmation on this??
Lastly I have reduced my 24 hour lights on by 1 hour and will do so every other day until I hit 20 on 4 off by week 4. Please tell me if this is good or correct or not. Many thanks!
Springs here! Enjoy le weekend peeps!
And just for shits and giggles my photo plant desconicida kush a day older than GSC topped and flourishing! Much broader leaf structure compaired to my GSC.
Go macgyver stoner!! @Benjamin Squier