Rita in cup :-)
Rita findz her cup :smoking:


ok, me runnin a wee late with thingz today (when am i not, lol :rolleyes2: ), but Rita got put into her cup las nite at midnight ;) she went into a green 18oz cup, with a 3-way soil mix of happy frog/recycled ocean forest/peat, w/xtra perlite...me put a layer of rockz on the bottom like i alwayz do & the drainage holez were made a snap with a soldering iron :thumbsup: clickety-clack-choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Don’t use rocks but put some of my pumice on bottom over the drain holes n no mud cakes packing over the drain holes! :thumbsup: But u need to get brave and do more than 1 amigo! Just breakem into shape if they get outta hand! I also added some safety pin holes down side of solo to work like an airpot (that’s my theory anyway:shrug:) Either way my trains moving down the tracks too! GG standing and moved over n other 2 I could see seed heads breaking jiffy surface!:woohoo1: Glad u got me into this party (and only this 1 cuz have 10 plants now) til other gelato beast gets the chop! Yay yaaaa
:pass: qqq n keep passing it LEFT
Charlotte Day 13
Charlotte Day 13 :smoking:


got her second dose of mc las nite & seemz to be goin down the track well enuff, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Lucille Day 11
Lucille Day 11 :smoking:


got her first small dose of mc las nite & all is well, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Janis Day 55
Janis Day 55 :smoking:


hairz startin to turn, nugz hardenin up, insane frost formin, fingerz glued together post-fondling, blahblahblah...:smoking: i've given her & Gracie both a couple shotz of the flower fuel durin the past couple weekz, and they seemed to mebbe like it at first, but now they don't, lol, even at 1/4 strength, so i ended up givin Gracie a small lil semi-flush today with plain dist water ph'd to 6.6 & will probly do the same for Janis tomorrow, then they'll both go back on their reg 3-way mix of mc/bloom/calmag & keep on rollin down the track, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Man u sure start your kids on the steroid diet young! :headbang:

yeah well, waitin til they were old before startin it didn't work out so well, so...:coffee: grow, learn, grow again! :headbang: ppp
Rita Day 1
Rita Day 1 ...into the brave new world! :yay:


she was only under for 24 hrz, then, this morning (which is almost noon for me, lol :rolleyes2: ), i saw the telltale rize of dirt in the middle of the cup...i ever-so-lightly brushed away one loose lil clump of soil & saw the green :jump: the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
