introducing (drum roll) -> Charlotte! :smoking:


yup, diff strain, diff breeder, but the name remainz the same, hehe :smoking: turnz out, the NL i planted 5 dayz ago never broke soil, so i jus scrapped her & am goin with another kush instead, cuz me simply luv the way me Gracie gurl is turnin out :biggrin: stay tuned, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
introducing (drum roll) -> Charlotte! :smoking:

View attachment 1140539

yup, diff strain, diff breeder, but the name remainz the same, hehe :smoking: turnz out, the NL i planted 5 dayz ago never broke soil, so i jus scrapped her & am goin with another kush instead, cuz me simply luv the way me Gracie gurl is turnin out :biggrin: stay tuned, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
I had a 4 assed monkey take 9 days to sprout and its a beast right now. just sayin...
Charlotte Day 1, Janis Day 43
Charlotte Day 1 :yay:


Janis Day 43 :smoking:


Me Xmas Girlz :biggrin:


:xmas: MERRY GREEN XMAS TO ALL & UP THE IRONZ!! :headbang: ppp
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Charlotte Day 2
Merry Kushmas Charlotte Day 2 :smoking:


i'll edit in sumthin later...right now, i'm jus too damned stoned...:baked: hope all u kidz had a Merry Kushmas, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Unnamed NL Day 1
Unnamed NL Day 1 - surprize! :yoinks: haha :doh:


...and the post startz like this..."so, a funnee thing happened over xmas nite" :rolleyes2: :rofl: it'z actually all quite bizarre really, but then hey, i ain't one to look a gift reindeer in the mouth, so...:coffee: all i know is that that plant was def not there las nite when i went to lightly mist Charlotte jus before lightz out at midnite :nono: then, around 11 this morn, i took her dome off to mist her (Charlotte), having to move a small thermometer i had layin against the edge of the pot, and lo & behold, i see the bottom pic :yoinks: and well, after shakin me head in total disbelief for a min, i concluded the only explanation is that she'z the NL i could swear i scooped out a week ago when i replanted Charlotte in there :shrug: i have no idea how she not only didn't get scooped out, but ended up over there on the edge like that...a real mindbender fer sur, lol :doh: i guess i musta been nicer than i thought all year for santa to pay an xtra vizit like that :biggrin: but hey, psst, ya wanna know what the real kicker is-?...the fact that Charlotte wazn't even suppozed to go into that particular pot anyway, haha :rofl: that pot is like a 2L, mebbe even 1.5L, and the NL gettin planted in it was gonna be a "jus fer fun" thing...then, when she didn't break soil after 5 dayz & i pulled her out (i thought, lol), i jus immediately replanted Charlotte the kush in there without even thinking...and didn't even realize it til like 2 dayz later, haha :doh: she was suppozed to go into a 3L, like Gracie & Janis are both in...but obviously, i def got stoned & missed the self-memo on that :rofl: either way, the near future def holdz a bit of tranzplanting, well as comin up with a name now for lil miss unnamed...hmmm....mebbe Lucy :confused1: meh, i'll get it all straightened out, and at this point, am jus thankful overall for the perfect bookendz to xmas :bow: choo-choo & stay tuned! :headbang: ppp
Janis Day 46
Janis Day 46 :smoking:


still gettin the 3-way mix of mc/bloom/calmag, jus truckin along & gettin frosssty, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Seeds are playing games with us lately! Had 1 laying sideways and flat in the dirt so thought was totally dead! Only turned light on for other 2 mephistos and the glare from their bulb made other lady show she was playing possum and was standing up before lights out that night! Had already started another so 1 has to stay in solo cup to have room for it! Can’t or prob shouldn’t complain about extra plant! Extra plant = extra smoke! :pass:qqq from your backwards amigo
Charlotte Day 5, Lucille Day 3
Charlotte Day 5 :smoking:


Lucille Day 3 :smoking:


twin shot :biggrin: :biggrin:


yup, the NL has been named Lucille :biggrin: comez from an old deep purple tune, which in turn is actually an old chuck berry song :headbang: but, anyway...

ya, they're still together for now, but the plan is to tranzplant Charlotte into a 3L tomorrow or next day, which is what was orig intended for her anyway, then jus move Lucille over to the center, where Charlotte is all soundz great on paper, now if i can jus pull it off, lol :rolleyes2:

and, what i forgot to mention las time was the soil configuration this time, lol...i'm basically recycling the ffof from Harli & Teresa'z growz...i took their root massez & cut em up to mix in, along with some good ol' coffee groundz & xtra perlite, and called it a day, lol...that'z what Lucille will be grown in, and Charlotte will be in mostly the same, but with a tad bit of the happy frog/peat mix thrown in...had to add that in in order to make up a pot full, so...but hey, at least the soil ph has already been balanced at roughly 6.2 this way, and i kinda sorta "precharged" Lucille'z soil with mc & mikrobz, and Charlotte'z got just mikrobz & is drying out as we far, they've both jus been gettin misted with rainwater, but las nite, i did make a lil moat around Charlotte & gave her 15ml of 6.5 distilled

as alwayz, it'z all in good fun & should be interesting, to say the least, lol...choo-choo! :headbang: ppp