Charlotte Day 7, Lucille Day 5
Charlotte Day 7 :smoking:


Lucille Day 5


they both survived their transplantingz & all is good, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
many a failed germ has come back to bite us small space growers :face: we too keen to go digging,but we will continue to do so.theres just no learning for some things :pass:
they lookin cute:watering:
keep er lit
Introducing -> Rita! :-)
33 hrz ago...


9 hrz ago... :biggrin:


introducing (drumroll)...Rita! :smoking: she'z a Rhino Ryder i'm lucky enuff to be able to enter into the fastbudz solo cup growoff, and well, i've decided to g'head & keep a personal journal track of her in here as well as over in the battle thread :thumbsup: i'll be plantin her in about 3 more hrz in a hodgepodge soil mix of happy frog, recycled ocean forest & peat, w/xtra perlite...she'll be startin out/vegging under 6500k cfl, then gettin moved into the bloom clozet come preflower time...i haven't grown any fastbudz yet, and i've never done a solo cup grow at all, lol, so it should def be interesting & by all meanz, stay tuned, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Still waiting on the jiffy! Noticed my meph babies really appreciated the net being cut off before I put in solo cup! By transplant time it had roots coming from bottom of both cups! :thumbsup:
Charlotte Day 11, Lucille Day 9
Charlotte Day 11 :smoking:


Lucille Day 9


they'll each be gettin their own post entriez soon enuff, but are still together for now ;) Charlotte got her first wee dose of mc las nite & Lucille will probly be gettin herz tomorrow...overall, they're both still in that kinda boring stage atm, lol, but are doin well, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp