Outdoor update - photoz
the photo bebez out gettin a rainbath...:soak:


...and then a sunbath :cools:


Linda Seedz photo AK Day 18 :smoking:


Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 13 :smoking:


Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 13 :smoking:


the OD Growtrain is pickin up steam, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


Cool score on the truck :d5: Generic motors trucks are what I have been driving for 40 + years :coffee: easy to work on :cool1: does she have the six popper or the eight ?
Got lots of herb goin your gunna be busy :growing:
Got lots of herb goin your gunna be busy

dude, u have no idea, lol :doh: in addition to the 3 photoz, i'll be runnin 6, mebbe 8 autoz outside & 4 more autoz inside....ahh! :yoinks: :rofl: as for me truck, it'z got the v6 & 5-speed stick ;) ppp
Another who can drive stick! Ah, friend, you are in rare company these days. Love it. I park my convertible outside, unlocked, top down, and people say I'm crazy. If they can drive it, I hope the have as much fun as I do! Let em' steal it if they can!
Outdoor update - photoz tranzplanted! :D
the photoz have been tranzplanted outside & the 2021 OD Growtrain has now officially hit the mainline, woot!

left to right:
Linda Seedz photo AK Day 26
Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 21
Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 21


the mimosa & ak have both been droopin a bit the past few dayz & i couldn't figger why really...thought it mighta been the non-ph'd molassez water i gave em all the other day...oopz :rolleyes2: but then, in the process of takin em outa their 1 gal potz today, i saw that their rootz had def filled up the potz :yoinks: soooo hopefully, now that they're all in their new 7 gal homez, they'll perk up & start reachin for the sky :yay: i gave the whole area, plantz included, a light spray of neem & it'z suppozed to rain a bit the next two dayz ;) and oh, thoze sillee ass tomato cagez-? -> i fuckin hate em, grrr :nono: they wobble like nobody'z bizness & i'll def hafta come up with sumthin better, uh-huh :doh: but for now, it is what it is & the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

Lookin great friend! Warm weather inbound, big pots, fresh soil, sounds like a recipe for success. Happy plants, happy grower!

thx lucifer ;) and btw, thx also for the rp about the rusky spammer...good lookin out :thumbsup: ppp
Another who can drive stick! Ah, friend, you are in rare company these days. Love it. I park my convertible outside, unlocked, top down, and people say I'm crazy. If they can drive it, I hope the have as much fun as I do! Let em' steal it if they can!
I did the same thing with my 92 5-speed Miata :crying:
Outdoor update - autoz planted! =)
ok kidz, been buzy af this week with all kinda outdoor grow-related shit...and it ain't over yet, ahh! :doh: but anyway, first up, for thoze of u that remember me lil growbox from las summer, it needed new slatz for itz floor, so got that done yesterday....


...which was jus in time to get me od autoz planted las nite around 10pm, woot! :yay: here'z this morning'z shot... ;)

back row, l-to-r: big bud, somango & gelato

front row, l-to-r: nyc diesel, banana punch & whiskey zulu


annnnd, last but not least, the work in progress....:rofl: :doh:


that'z the 4x4 postz gettin put in for the lattice fence enclozure for me photoz ;) got two more dayz of good weather, then yet another whole week of rain comin in, so i'm bustin me arse tryin to get it done this weekend, ahh! :doh: still need to make doorz for the growbox & revamp the top screen a bit, but other thingz first, lol :rolleyes2: the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp