Can I ask a lazy question here. I know I can read back but ah heck... what size pots you running for those tomato cages?
Can I ask a lazy question here. I know I can read back but ah heck... what size pots you running for those tomato cages?

thoze are 7 gal potz ;) ppp
Summer growtrain update - photoz
AK Day 46 :smoking:


Cheeze Day 41 :smoking:


Mimosa EVO Day 41 :smoking: ...topped at 10th floor a couple dayz ago to try & encourage side branching :shrug:


morning group shot...:cool1:

the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


Summer growtrain update - od autoz
ok, got 3 new additionz that now fill up the od auto dance card, jus in time for the solstice :cool1: makez for a total of 9 od autoz...i'll update the otherz tomorrow ;)

Sweet Seedz auto Crystal Candy XL & auto Green Poizon XL Day 3 :smoking: ...prize beanz from winning las year'z auto od comp :cooldance:


Female Seedz auto Haze Day 1 ...into the brave new world! :yay:


the od growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


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Summer growtrain update - od autoz
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Crystal Candy XL & Green Poizon XL Day 4 :smoking:


Haze Day 2 :smoking:


growbox autoz...

Gelato Day 5


Wkiskey Zulu, Banana Punch, Somango, NYC Diesel & Big Bud, all Day 23 :shrug:



group shot...

dunno wtf is up with the growbox autoz, cuz they jus....ain't....growin, argh! :cuss: if it was jus one or two, that'd be one thing, but it'z all of em :wall: can't be the soil tho, cuz the photoz & the 3 new auto sproutz out back are luvin it, so...beatz the hell outa me :shrug:

in other newz, today has been both Gracie & Marvin'z birthdayz, so here'z a couple picz of them & then i'll move on to the indoor autoz ;)


the od growtrain, such as it is, rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp



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Things are looking good, you got a bunch of plants going! Looking forward to seeing how that outdoor grow turns out.

Also, that is one good dog, I think this thread needs more pics of her :drool:
Summer growtrain update - indoor autoz
Linda Seedz auto Gorilla Glue #4 Day 3 :smoking:


Linda Seedz auto Gelato #33 Day 4 :smoking:


theze two are the latest carz picked up by Engine No 420 for the summer growtrain ;) they'll be inside, and i'll be plantin the final two inside tomorrow nite.....and nope, no spoilerz as to strain, etc...u'll jus hafta wait :eyebrows:

happee solstice to all & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Crystal Candy XL & Green Poizon XL Day 4 :smoking:

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Haze Day 2 :smoking:

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growbox autoz...

Gelato Day 5

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Wkiskey Zulu, Banana Punch, Somango, NYC Diesel & Big Bud, all Day 23 :shrug:

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group shot...
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dunno wtf is up with the growbox autoz, cuz they jus....ain't....growin, argh! :cuss: if it was jus one or two, that'd be one thing, but it'z all of em :wall: can't be the soil tho, cuz the photoz & the 3 new auto sproutz out back are luvin it, so...beatz the hell outa me :shrug:

in other newz, today has been both Gracie & Marvin'z birthdayz, so here'z a couple picz of them & then i'll move on to the indoor autoz ;)

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the od growtrain, such as it is, rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Gracie’s looking great! How old is she now?