Photo beanz planted

yes kidz, the photo beanz have hit the dirt for May Day, woot!! :smoking: so hopefully in 2-3d, we'll have sproutz & it'll be off to the racez! :cooldance: now, i remind u that this will be my first full-on foray with photoz, so i'm like, totally wingin it here, lol :rolleyes2: so, call me sillee or whatever, but i'm tryin to to make the light be as close to what the real sun is doin outside at this point, which right now is jus shy of 15h total daylight, including twilight i've got em on a 15/9 cycle, with lightz comin on at 6:15am & off at 9:15pm...after 10-12d, i'll bump it up to 15-1/2h, then in another 10-12d, it'll be close to outside tranzplant time, when total daylight will be ruffly 16h, so i figger it should all sync up ok....or at least it soundz good in me head :biggrin: i've also got the qb'z dimmed to 50% to start, at ruffly 28" above potz, and i'll jus increase intensity slow but sure over the next couple weekz ;) on a sidenote, i'm not sure if thoze potz are actually a full 1 gal or not, but either way, they should work well enuff for 3-4w until tranzplant time, so... ;) grab ur seatz kidz, cuz the od growtrain is now boarrrdinnnggggg! :headbang: ppp


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yes kidz, the photo beanz have hit the dirt for May Day, woot!! :smoking: so hopefully in 2-3d, we'll have sproutz & it'll be off to the racez! :cooldance: now, i remind u that this will be my first full-on foray with photoz, so i'm like, totally wingin it here, lol :rolleyes2: so, call me sillee or whatever, but i'm tryin to to make the light be as close to what the real sun is doin outside at this point, which right now is jus shy of 15h total daylight, including twilight i've got em on a 15/9 cycle, with lightz comin on at 6:15am & off at 9:15pm...after 10-12d, i'll bump it up to 15-1/2h, then in another 10-12d, it'll be close to outside tranzplant time, when total daylight will be ruffly 16h, so i figger it should all sync up ok....or at least it soundz good in me head :biggrin: i've also got the qb'z dimmed to 50% to start, at ruffly 28" above potz, and i'll jus increase intensity slow but sure over the next couple weekz ;) on a sidenote, i'm not sure if thoze potz are actually a full 1 gal or not, but either way, they should work well enuff for 3-4w until tranzplant time, so... ;) grab ur seatz kidz, cuz the od growtrain is now boarrrdinnnggggg! :headbang: ppp

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Woohoo!! 1 first class all inclusive ticket please!
AK, Day 2
Linda Seedz AK Day 2 ...into the brave new world! :yay:


welp, on one hand, i guess u could say the 2021 OD Growtrain has officially started down the track now, but...u could also say it def ain't firin on all cylinderz yet as well, lol :doh: it'z been 5d since planting & the ak is the only one up...the cheeze & mimosa evo still haven't even broken ground, grrr :nono: as a rule, i uzually don't do it, but i did go pokin around the dirt this morning & sure enuff, the beanz are still down there, but neither has even tried to start makin way to the surface, so...
i may well hafta soak another couple beanz real quick as replacementz & hope for the best...i jus hate lozin the week of time :wall: but anyway, in other newz, it was a decent weather day yesterday, so i spent all day outside makin up another 35 gal of soil for the autoz, so that'z done now ;) overnight lowz are still dippin into the 40'z, so not quite time yet, but hopefully by the end o' the month, it'll be off to the racez, so stay choo-choo tuned & Up The Ironz! :headbang: ppp

Outdoor update - photoz
Linda Seedz photo AK Day 7 :smoking:


Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 2 (left)
Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 2 (right) ...replacement life x2 for the win! :yay:


yes, that'z right, i said "replacement" life, lol :doh: the orig cheeze & mimosa never did sprout, so i dropped a couple replacementz & boom, they only took like a day & a half to sprout, woot! :cooldance: and btw, sorry about the out-of-focus thing on them...whenever they're seedlingz, the camera likez to focus with crystal clarity on everything but the damn plantz, so...:doh: anyhoo, the qb'z are at 60% & 24" for the ak, and 55% & 28" for the cheeze & mimosa ;) i also got the first piece of lattice fence for their enclozure put up yesterday (thumbnail pic), so all in all, i'm a happee grower, all is good & the 2021 OD Growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp


Outdoor update - photoz
Linda Seedz photo AK Day 12 :smoking:


Linda Seedz photo Cheeze Day 7 :smoking:


Barney'z Farm photo Mimosa EVO Day 7 :smoking:


couple diff group shotz...

'92 chevy truck i scored this past week for $650...:cooldance:

the growrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

